Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Russia-bashing w/ comic Ron Reagan (jokes)

The Simpsons has a go at the American fear of the mighty USSR, the former Russian Empire
Pres. Putin's photo with Hitler's moustache, Nazi symbol as Time cover is fake (ndtv.com)
(Oboguey, 3/18/08) Former actor, stand-up comedian, Democrat, California governor, and U.S. President Ronnie Reagan tells some former Soviet Union (USSR) jokes. He was a public speaker of the caliber of a B.S. Obama and Billy Clinton.

How the USSR collapsed on Soviet TV

(Ordinary Things, June 19, 2020) Why did the USSR fall apart? What was showing on television when it happened? And what did communist commercials look like? Let's find out in this NSA-approved video (i.e., no YT censorship) that may earn some KGB ire. Capitalism (patreon.com/ordinarythings) and propaganda (twitter.com/ordinarytings) are alive and well. 

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