Saturday, March 5, 2022

The many benefits of FASTING (video)

Fasting for Survival lecture by Dr. Jamnadas
(The Galen Foundation, 8/16/19) Dr. Pradip Jamnadas details the rationale behind dietary restriction and fasting.
Decolonize Your Diet. Go vegan
ABOUT: Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD, MBBS, FACC, FSCAI, FCCP, FACP is a medical doctor with a YT channel and an email list: He is the founder and chairman of The Galen Foundation and a graduate of the University College of London, England, with post-graduate training at Yale University in cardiology. He has a specialty practice in Orlando, Florida, that began in 1990, where he performs interventional procedures and is a consultant cardiologist, recognized by Orlando Magazine as "Top Doctor in Cardiology" for multiple years over the past two decades. He is also a clinical assistant professor of medicine at Florida State University and the University of Central Florida. He is a lecturer and teacher with a passion for high-tech interventions who places greater emphasis on prevention.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general knowledge and is not a substitute for individual medical advice. All viewers should consult their physician before starting any medical program or treatment. Any action taken on the information found in this content is strictly at one's own risk. Neither Dr. Pradip Jamnadas nor Cardiovascular Interventions will be liable for any damages or losses in connection with the content on this YouTube channel.

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