Saturday, April 9, 2022

Will Smith gets it: 10-year ban, loses movies...

Mike MacRae, Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Russell Brand; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

(WQ) English is a funny language. All languages are; they have quirks. Like if the Fresh Prince of Bel Air were a blacksmith, we could ask, "Will Will Smith smith Will Smith?" and that would be a real sentence instead of the gobblygook it seems like.

I mean, it wouldn't matter. He'd probably slap our neck bones out of whack before we got it right. Willy, the anti-stand-up cuckold, is getting his. Who knows if there's "instant karma" like John Lennon thought, but there is comeuppance:

Smith is universally reviled, revealed to be a henpecked cuckold, Jada Pinkett is revealed to be a cheater (because although given post-permission to step out, she didn't get consent beforehand and so it's "cheating" and a betrayal rather than swinging or a functional open marriage).

The Academy has now banned the violent rager from events for the next decade.

Hitler-and-Bill-Cosby defending Whoopi Goldberg turned on him.

He quit the Academy in a vain attempt to evade significant consequences.

The police looked into it, even visiting him at home for an interrogation, claiming that they didn't see it themselves so they can't do anything without Chris Rock pressing charges.

Two upcoming sequels have been shelved for the meantime because the studios are shying away from such a suddenly controversial figure. (We sure ain't going to see anything he's associated with for a long time...unless there's a MIB III. That would probably be good).

He's the laughingstock, hated by working stand-up comedians who skewer him daily.

Daughter Willow's music career is set back.

Son Jaden is revealed to be a Hollywood hypocrite, first siding with the Smith way of doing things ("that's how we do it") then talking to the British press about how he cried that his daddy was such a violent a-whole in front of the world, as opposed to keeping the dirty laundry unaired at home.

He might even have some remorse, letting himself be egged on to violent CroMag rage by whatever jaded Jada whispered to him. (The lipreaders have yet to decipher what the Oscars' camera caught her saying, which was probably, "If you had any b*lls, you'd defend my honor, you pathetic POS excuse for a husband. No wonder I'm f'ing August" or some such invective).

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