Sunday, March 5, 2023

Dems little better than Republicans (TJDS)

Jim Dore, Kshama Sawant (TJDS); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly

Just do what They tell you, JoJo.
Pres. B.S. Obama-Biden was in some ways worse than Bush-Cheney and perhaps even worse than the second worst president in history, Trump. G.W. Bush still seems like the worst, right behind his murderous former CIA Chief G.H. Bush, a horrific unindicted war criminal. Why? We expect certain bad things from Republicans or conservatives but not from Democrats or progressives. Obama was groomed by the CIA, and he duped us and kept everyone asleep, thinking we had finally put someone good in the White House. Trump to his credit at least got people to sit up and notice, pay attention to politics and their duties as members of a democracy. Hillary would have put everyone to sleep, much as most Americans are doing under career politician Biden. Admittedly, Trump is gross, vulgar, and idiotic, but he didn't make wars or keep secrets very well. He's hated for that because the media will not tolerate that the status quo be upset in a capitalist system. Business must keep humming along no matter how many citizens are suffering under it. At least the big donors are happy.

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