Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Radical History, Labor, Reproductive Rights

Guest Prof. Nancy Krieger, Hosts Nermina Sheikh and Amy Goodman (, March 8, 2023); Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; FiveMinded

International Women's Day: Roots in Radical History, Labor, Reproductive Rights
Russian women demonstrate for peace and food, 1917, Petrograd, Russia (wiki)
(Democracy Now!Latest Shows. March 8th marks International Women's Day around the world, seeking to end gender discrimination, violence, and abuse. Democracy Now! starts today's show by looking at the day's roots in socialism and what it means for the movement for reproductive justice in the United States.
  • Against White Feminism
    [EDITORIAL NOTE: What is "reproductive justice"? It's the right to contraceptive access, the right not to be impregnated, the right not to have to have children against one's will, and should not be viewed, as many people seem to do, as a euphemistic synonym for abortion. There are options not just this polemical and divisive issue of either-or thinking. The whole point of being a liberal is to see the many options and opportunities available when we abandon binary thinking and the assumption that the world and our experience of it is black and white.]
Be free. Break the bias. Gender is constructed.
GUEST: Prof. Nancy Krieger is a renowned teacher of social epidemiology at Harvard University's School of Public Health and director of the Interdisciplinary Concentration on Women, Gender, and Health. She's also co-founder and chair of the Spirit of 1848 Caucus in the American Public Health Association, which links social justice and public health. International Women's Day has always been a struggle for "the conditions in which people can thrive," says Prof. Krieger.

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(FiveMinded) A brief history of International Women's Day

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