Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Town flies Gaza flag but Jews want only theirs

Chloe Mayer, Newsweek, 11/14/23; Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Palestinians wave flag in archive image taken in West Bank town of Ramallah in 2005 (Getty)
Palestinian flag over US town divides locals
The Palestinian flag will fly in solidarity with the people of Gaza and the West Bank, as well as refugee camps in neighboring countries, above North Andover, Massachusetts, for a month in a decision that split the local community.

The approval came after the Israeli flag had flown in the same spot. Residents of a Massachusetts community remain divided on whether a Palestinian flag should be raised to fly above the town commons from now until December.

We sewed them together so we have to get along.
A heated town meeting saw tempers flare over a teenage resident's request for the flag to be flown on the North Andover Town Common. But, ultimately, officials agreed to approve a permit for the flag on Monday evening.

An Israeli flag has been flying in the same spot since last month (without apparently having to ask for any special permission, without limit, and without considering how many of the town's residents were being offended by the town seeming to side with a genocidal country intent on massacring as many Palestinian civilians as possible.

Pro-Palestine supporters said they should have the same right. Two flags are better than one, given the double standard that is maintained in most other places and in all mainstream media coverage. More

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