Friday, June 7, 2024

Canadian official reveals ET aliens on earth

The palaces and platforms of the devas in space are very advanced technologically.

The mysterious discovery of an ancient vimana | 5,000-year-old UFO flying machine
(Weird World) Much of history gets buried in the sands of time, but occasionally modern techniques are able to uncover an ancient civilization. While many ancient civilizations disappeared without a trace, evidence of their existence may have survived in ancient texts. Many historians have analyzed these ancient texts and discovered amazing facts showing that advanced civilizations had existed thousands of years ago, but as so often happens, something brings about their downfall, which could be earthquakes, famine, or man's constant predilection for war. One fascinating account that comes from ancient text is a machine called the vimana. The description of this machine and what it was capable of doing appears to be more than just a mythical story in an ancient text. Could these ancient people have been assisted by alien technology?

(Terrible AI generated script with good images, drawings, and pictures of vimana-like Indian temples)


Vimanas land and ETs emerge then as now.
Canada's former Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer advanced disclosure, revealing that UFOs (vimanas) are real.

There are ETs who are part of a galactic federation, who have been visiting this planet for thousands of years, just as the ancient in India and elsewhere have said.

Photos of actual vimana in operation in the sky
In Buddhism and the other Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism), there are vimānas or spacecraft called "flying palaces" or "chariots [of fire]," described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics.

In Buddhist texts there are stories of beings who live in space (the akasha loka) in vimanas -- sky vehicles and platforms of every description, including palatial motherships and individual "chariot" style pods.

(Weird World) Hellyer is saying ETs exist and are here among humans

The Buddha in space with Brahma and Sakka
In one famous Buddhist account, there is a wise ruler from the World of the Thirty-Three (second heaven) named Sakka, king of the devas. He is very interested in wisdom and hearing the Buddha explain some mysteries.

He sends his driver (vimana charioteer) ahead of him, landing the rocket vehicle near the Buddha, who then hears the driver sing a love song on a lute style instrument. This acts as an introduction for Sakka to ask questions and receive answers.

There is an entire section of texts known as the Vimānavatthu analogous to the Petavatthu or section on "ghost [the deceased who cling to this world and are labeled hungry ghosts] stories."

Does Buddhism believe there are beings in space? Yes. Here, Sahampati Brahma requests the Buddha to teach the world the Path to Freedom rather than remaining silent after awakening.
If these vimana things were real, don't you think someone would have seen one by now?
The only way to fly is by burning fuel = exhaust.
Hinduism traces its origins much further back than its founder Adi Shankara, who systematized and organized varied Indian traditions into a "religion," all the way back to the ancient Vedic texts.

Ravana's Pushpaka Vimana, which he took from Kubera (before Rama returned it) is the most quoted example of a vimana. Vimanas are also mentioned in Jain texts. Jainism is the only other non-Vedic shramana (wandering ascetic) tradition to survive along with Buddhism.

Ever since we legalized pot, people see things.
Both religions are accepted and given a place in universalist Hindu (a Krishnacentric Krist-centered movement), even though both the Buddha and the founder of Jainism Mahavira (the Nigantha Nattaputta) rejected the Vedas as authoritative sources of ultimate knowledge, advocating instead direct experience without priestly intermediaries (Brahmins).
Humans will never possess anti-gravity technology. It's impossible. It goes against physics.
Invisible aircraft? Impossible! The radar sees all
See vimana in Wiktionary. The Sanskrit and Pali word vimāna (विमान) literally means "measuring out, traversing" or "having been measured out."
  • Swami Adrishananda, formerly a disciple of Baba (P.K. Sarkar, the founder of Ananda Marga) provided us a much better and intuitive definition of vimana as a "limitless" vehicle or a ship that can fly (UFO), go through water (USO), and pass out of the sky into space and possibly even go through earth or very dense atmospheres, as opposed to the very fragile aircraft of today.
Rockets can't push in vacuum of space.
Monier-Williams defines vimāna as "a car or a chariot of the gods [devas], any self-moving aerial car sometimes serving as a seat or throne [or mount for a deity, antigod, or celestial], sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air; other descriptions make the Vimana more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be seven stories high" and quotes the Pushpaka Vimana of Ravana as an example. It may denote any car or vehicle, especially a bier or a ship as well as a palace of an emperor, especially with seven stories [1].

Nowadays, vimāna, vimān, or biman means "aircraft" in Indian languages --for example, in the town name Vimanapura (a suburb of Bangalore) and Vimannagar (a town in Pune).

In another context, vimana is a feature in Hindu temple architecture, which often depict the space vehicles that were seen in ancient times. More

Who is inside the UFOs?

Space aliens are very diverse beings.
These vehicles/cruise ships contained space "gods" -- devas and brahmas, asuras and gandharvas, nagas and yakkhas or deities and divinities, antigods and heavenly messengers, Draconian reptilians and Bigfoot/Chewbacca-type ogres, respectively.

There are other ET space creatures on earth who are described in mythology, such as the avians or garudas/suparnas, gnomes kumbhandas, and the four celestial divine regents, or first heaven.

And, yes, by the way, there is a Seventh Heaven, the highest of the sensual sphere worlds (above which are the worlds of the Fine-Material Sphere or  rupa loka).

There are overseers in charge of such creatures on earth. They are called "great kings" (maha-rajas) but are celestial regents under Sakka and the Council of 33 in Tavatimsa above them.
  • Twitter: weirdworldtv. Subscribe to Weird World. New videos every Friday and Saturday, #paranormal #weirdworld #vimana
  • Weird World, July 13, 2019; Ancient AI Vimana documentary; Paul Hellyer (History Channel clip); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wikipedia edit vimana

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