Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Science: Cats want to play fetch. Cat Sutra

"Zig, hey!" says ginger white kitty, while extending its paw in the air (zaLysonArts/Getty).

A surprising number of cats want us to play fetch with them
What good results from the deed of meditation?
Many people have seen dogs fetch, but cats like to get into the game, too. Despite their very different hunting and play styles, fetching appears to combine elements of predatory [hunting, stalking, killing] and social behavior for both species.

Although their domestication histories and natural behaviors are very different, cats and dogs share many similarities.

Both species are predators, live closely with humans and are capable of enjoying rich social experiences with us.

Is this fake Buddha quote true? Kind of, partly
In our newly published study, we found that more than 40% of cats described in our survey data played fetch, compared with almost 80% of dogs.

We also outlined several possible reasons for fetching, including play, selection during domestication, and learning effects. More

The Creeping [Cat] Sutra (AN 10.216)

Karmic-result? Deal with it.
“Meditators, I teach an exposition of the Dharma on creeping. Listen, attend closely, and I will speak.”

“Yes, venerable sir,” they replied. The Buddha then said: “What, meditators, is the exposition of the Dharma on creeping?

“Meditators, beings are the owners of their karma (deeds), heirs of their karma; they have karma as their origin, karma as their relative, karma as their resort; whatever karma they do, good or bad, they are its heirs.

I'm a stalker. I'm a predator. I'm a killer.
(1) “Here, someone destroys life, is murderous, bloodyhanded, given to beatings and violence, is merciless to living beings.

“One creeps along by body, speech, and mind: One's bodily karma is crooked, one's verbal karma is crooked, one's mental karma is crooked.

“[Therefore,] one's destination is crooked, one's rebirth is crooked. And for one with a crooked destination and rebirth, I say, there is one of two destinations -- either the exclusively painful hells or [rebirth/reappearance as] a species of creeping animal.

“What are the species of creeping animals? The CAT, the snake, the scorpion, the centipede, the mongoose, the mouse, and the owl, or any other animals that creep away when they see people.

I was after Maus. I guess karmic-results are just
“Thus, a being is reborn from a being; one is reborn through one’s deeds. When one has been reborn, contacts [impressions] affect one. It is in this way, I say, that beings are the heirs of their karma.

(2) “Someone takes what is not given… (3)…engages in sexual misconduct… (4)…speaks falsehood… (5)…speaks divisively… (6)…speaks harshly… (7)…indulges in idle chit chat… (8)…is full of longing… (9) …has a mind of ill will and intentions of hate… (10)…  More
  • [EDITOR: KARMA (deeds, intentional actions, courses of action) refers to doing. Having been willed, carried out, and stored up, there are two kinds of outcomes -- the "resultants" (vipaka) and the "fruit" (phala) that ripens. [One might distinguish between immediate mental resultants and longer-term fruits or future circumstances that result from deeds.]
  • Mikel Delgado, Judith Stella, The Conversation, Nature via, 9/5/24; Dhr. Seven (ed.) "Creeping" (AN 10.216) based on Bhikkhu Bodhi translation (, AN 10.216)CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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