Monday, September 2, 2024

Pyromania at Burning Man 2024 (video)

Do not ask for whom The Man burns, Allison. He burns for us. - Us? - The Burners of Mankind
Sparkly things and fire at Burning Man 2024
(Commotion Camp) Sept. 2, 2024: Gorgeous weather was enjoyed this year at Burning Man 2024 for the 70,000+ Burners who made their way to the annual week-long, large-scale art event in the Nevada desert.

Would Cailee Spaeny burn? You better believe it
This year's Burning Man highlights include a surprise DJ set by Rufus Du Sol, a plane that shot flames and lasers, a magnificent art installation titled "Naga and the Captainess" [a naga in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism being a sea serpent, reptilian, dragon], some new super creative art cars, and the always entertaining Burning Man fashion choices. They were spotted on the playa and throughout Black Rock City the whole time.

Songs: Alan Watts' voiceover, "Overthinker" by INZO, and "Magic Carpet Ride" (Moon and Sun Remix).
Hot times inside the Orgy Dome theme tent
Sure, new Burners might make their escape into a long traffic jam all day long, creating a 14-lane traffic jam to the nearest paved road.

But experienced festivalgoers will remain to catch the symbolic burning of The Man. It's almost the whole point, which is really about community and creativity. This is just the capper.

Take your MOOP home and out of the desert.
There's a mania, a manic mode, that overtakes the crowd when the fire begins. Things explode, the desert glows, and everything spirals into a Bacchanalian feast. There's only this, and it's better to hit the road in the morning, after cleaning up and removing the MOOP ("matter out of place," aka trash). "Leave no trace" is a principle of this alternative festival.

If Black Rock City is the latest city to be built in America, what was the first? Is Caral, Peru, the Oldest City in the Americas?

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