Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I think I'm falling in love, not my partner

Cupid (Kamadeva, Mara Devaputra, Eros) seems so cute and innocent.

I know it's love cause she starts looking like this.
These things indicate a love that is slowly dying. It’s often easy to tell when a relationship is totally falling apart because there will be obvious signs, but it’s less apparent if someone is slowly falling out of love with his or her partner.

Keep an eye out for these 12 behaviors, as they may indicate that your lover’s interest is cooling when you wish that it would burn forever with more and more intensity, like an endless honeymoon. But it burns, dwindles, until is burns out.
I know I'm in love because it's blissful (piti) like serene meditating only not as good.
This is how I pictured us. Details schmeetails!
Am I falling in love, how can I know? Maybe this flower can tell me with its petals. They love me, they love me not, they love me, they love me not... Omens. Signs. Who can predict the future? But what if my partner is slowly falling out of love as the old lovespell is coming undone?

1. They’ll have less interest in intimacy and physical affection. That's one sign.

We were like cats in a cradle reaching Purvana.
One surefire way to determine whether someone is quietly falling out of love (even if you're falling more and more in love) is to pay attention to physical intimacy, or rather the lack of it.

Couples tend to grow less passionate after the "honeymoon period" has worn off. That's usual. But if intimacy has disappeared entirely, including hugging or handholding, that’s a big warning sign.
2. They mention feelings of being “trapped.” It's time for A Conscious Rethink. Feeling trapped rarely happens in the context of discussing a relationship, but a partner may drop hints about feeling trapped or caged in various aspects of life.

This may be accompanied by restlessness and frustration, leading to behaviors such as going for long drives or walks “just to get out.” 

3. There’s less communication than there used to be. When and if this person does communicate with a partner, rather than avoiding conversation, it seems distant and unresponsive than before.

Maybe it's just to get an answer instead of having a conversation, or it's a grunt, a lackluster response, rather than actually having a discussion about a topic. More: If someone is quietly falling out of love, they'll display these 12 behaviors
SUTRA: Falling Apart
Numerical Discourses, 6. Brahmins, Ven. Sujato (trans.); Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Mara appears like an angel of light or monster
(AN 3.56) A rich Brahmin approached the Buddha. Sitting respectfully to one side, he said: “Master Gotama, I have heard that Brahmins of the past who were senior teachers-of-teachers, said:

“‘In the olden days this world was so full of people one would think they were squashed together. Villages, towns, and capital cities were no more than a chicken’s flight apart.’ What is the cause, sir, what is the reason why these days human numbers have dwindled, a decline in population is evident, and whole villages, towns, cities, and countries have disappeared?”

“Brahmin, nowadays humans love only illicit desires. They are overcome with immoral greed and are mired in wrong customs. Taking up knives, they murder each other, and many people perish. This is the cause, this is the reason why nowadays human numbers have dwindled.

“Furthermore, because nowadays humans love only illicit desires…the heavens [deva worlds on superior planes of existence] do not provide enough rain, so there’s famine, bad harvests, with blighted crops that shrivel into dry straw. And many people perish. This is the cause, this is the reason why nowadays human numbers have dwindled.

“Furthermore, because nowadays humans love only illicit desires…native spirits let vicious monsters [cryptids] loose. And many people perish. This is the cause, this is the reason why nowadays human numbers have dwindled.”

“Excellent, Master Gotama, excellent! …From this day forward, may Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone [to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha] for refuge for life.” More: suttacentral.net

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