Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Trump and the anger-eating demon

Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
At home with the Mango Moron: "Whatcha mad at now, Dad?" - "STFU, J-Boy!" - What, what did you call me? - "Jared-Boy, you stupid J*w. Go bring Ivanka in here." - "More incest?" - "Rrr!" (rense)
He works for me, so I'll never go hungry.
There is a kind of "demon" (yakkha, rakshasa, asura, preta, naraka, naga) that devours angry aimed at it, is energized by, feeds on it, craves it and is nourished by it. What if a "devil" were overlooking Don John Trump's shoulder delighting in his fury, rage, and fumes? It could by son-in-law Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Dick Cheney, Satan, Micky Pence, anyone even Trump's alter-ego. Who fuels others' anger to bask in the vitriol?

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