Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump didn't break a single law (except these)

Bad lip job? Trump attorney Alina Habba in a bikini (
Here seen with clothes and gaping mouth, legal spokesperson Alina Habba in shock" smell?
You'll always stand by my side, right, my love Melania? Right? Tell them you will!! - No.

Why does Donald Trump gloat? It's because he's the G.L.O.A.T., "greatest liar of all time."

'You're lying': George Conway clashes with Republican commentator over Trump's guilt and conviction
(CNN) May 31, 2024: Lawyer George Conway and CNN Senior Political Commentator Scott Jennings joined “CNN This Morning” to discuss Donald Trump’s 34 guilty felony verdicts in his criminal financial fraud and hush money case. #CNN #News

Trump prosecution shows System has gone off the rails
(The Jimmy Dore Show) June 1, 2024: Trump, despite the criticisms and smears from his opponents, was never much of a threat to the Establishment, except possibly a mild irritant to the U.S. War Machine. Yet, they have thrown every sling and arrow they could muster at Trump to stop him from returning to the White House. Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger discuss just how pro-establishment Trump really is. #TheJimmyDoreShow

"Where's Melania?" Or your former girlfriend/victim, daughter Ivanka?

Ex-Trump official has theory on why wife Melania hasn't appeared at fraud trial
(CNN) Former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham discusses former first lady Melania Trump's absence from her infamous husband's criminal financial fraud, sex, and hush money trial.  #CNN #News
US sends in the econ hit men
(WQ) What is Trump really? He's a "true liar," as Dave Chappelle famously observed. What does that mean? Trump lies all the time, but he also tells the truth, the inconvenient truth the Establishment wish he wouldn't. Why is that a problem? They (the Establishment) won't get you for lying. They won't even come after you for lying. But you tell the truth, an inconvenient truth, and they will not stand for that. They did not assassinate JFK for lying but because they feared he would tell the truth, pull us out of our endless wars (Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, etc.)

Then send the hyenas with guns
They will not stand for that kind of thing, and that's why the system sent in Monarch Butterfly Marilyn Monroe to honeypot him, get him to talk (which they were recording), and to compromise himself, revealing top secret things and hinting about what he was planning to do. The CIA, FBI, NSC, NSA, and other alphabet secret police agencies gather the evidence, and the powers-that-be decide who needs to be taken out.

He's not a great lothario; Marilyn M. was a plant
This country of ours installs horrible dictators all over the world, but the only ones it deposes (by execution or destabilizing their nations) are those who try to help their people while going back on the deals they have secretly made with our government. It happens over and over again. This form of diplomacy seems to be the British way of ruling the world. Read all about it in John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

(Save US Democracy) The Lincoln Project lays into Trump to expose him as worse than Joe Biden
Stick with me, Baby, and next I'll drive us down a Dallas street in a convertible.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trump GUILTY on ALL 34 felony charges (live)

The Graphic: "FUUUDGE [is coming out of my pants from my leaky adult diapers]!"
Hillary Clinton reacts to Trump's guilty verdict without saying his name | HuffPost latest news

So what? I'm a convicted felon. I'll appeal. I can't go to prison! I'm incontinent and wear diapers.
But this can't be happening, I'm rich!
As he departed, Trump waved to a crowd that had eagerly awaited the [guilty] verdict outside the courthouse.

From CNN's Sabrina Souza and Kit Maher: Ex-Pres. Donald Trump's [OJ-style] SUV slowed as his motorcade left the courthouse, giving him a chance to [run for the border and] wave at a crowd of people waiting for him to exit — some cheering his guilty verdict and some voicing support for the former president.

Who's the
happiest man in the
world today, Biden or Cohen?
Happiest woman in world, billionairess Melania
People in the crowd had been huddled in silence and then burst into cheers and claps as Trump's guilty verdict was first updated on their phones.

One man, meanwhile, appeared to be really angry. There had been sporadic cheering here and there throughout the day from passersby who saw posters that say things like, "Lock him up"! Others waved pro-Trump banners and American flags.
LIVE: Ex-Pres. Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in felony trial

We're just not reaching that guy Donny.
(ABC News) Fraudster Don John Trump, who had already been twice convicted after sexual assault charges in a civil trial for defaming and lying about his female victim, whom he was determined to have raped, has now been found guilty on 34 felony counts related to a 2016 financial fraud and election tampering case related to hush money payments to prostitute and adult film actress Stormy Daniels, whom he paid off to feloniously manipulate his election.

Don't push me! I don't want to go to jail.
This fact is what made the hush money payments felony, not the cheating on his wife who had just given birth to his youngest son, Barron.

It marks the first time in history that a former U.S. president has been tried and convicted on criminal charges. The fact that he was twice impeached does not change that he was (s)elected to be the 45th president and neither will this -- nor being found guilty and sent to prison for the next three serious criminal cases he is currently facing in other states. #trumpverdict
Trump to be sentenced days before officially becoming GOP presidential nominee
Hey, Hillary, they convicted Trump! Hi, Bill! You guys, please don't say "Lock him up!"

Hooray, Bill, hooray! "Lock him up"!!!
(CNN's Elise Hammond) Donald Trump is scheduled to be sentenced just days before the Republican National Convention where it is expected he will officially become the party’s nominee for president — something his team was worried about when looking at the timing of the hush money trial, sources told CNN’s Kristen Holmes. More

We're going with Joe, OK? - C'mon, Bibi!
Meanwhile, back on the Planet of Hell
, Zionist-Jewish Israel under Dictator Netanyahoo continues to bring about hell on earth. And Genocide Joe gives Ukraine permission to commit war crimes against Russia with US-supplied missiles shot into the neighboring Soviet country. Could WW III be in the offing?
  •; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

MAGA: It's unfair. It's rigged. This means war!

Mary Trump sues Pres. Donald Trump and family, claiming fraud (
Don Juan Trump and Majorie Taylor Greene? Say it isn't so! Is that who Randy Rainbow is singing about, Bad Bleach Job Butch Bod?
Lincoln Project mocks Trump in four humiliating ads
Help! I've never had to face consequences. I just
throw stolen money at things. Send more money!
(American News Reaction) Advertisements can cut both ways, working against a brand or promoting it. The Lincoln Project does not like Trump, but lots of people don't. What can anyone do? He's a master of manipulation and propaganda, Hiter style with speeches that circle around and repeat, do more to mesmerize than make sense. It's as if it's all hand movements and NLP (neurolinguistic programming) techniques.

Teresa, Capone, Elvis, Jesus have in common?
"Elect a clown, expect a circus," we like to say. Fail to elect him and get an insurrection. Will he ever be prosecuted for his Jan. 6th behavior, or will we all just have to wait for the fire next time? The Swamp is so bad that Trump is not the worst thing in it, but he's pretty bad. MAGA is for maggots? Maybe he's God's gift to America like some dentally-challenged folks in West Virginia say? It's not impossible, but if this is how God works, no thanks. Why not just expose Genocide Joe, O Lord, why? #msnbc #trump #foxnews

We'll storm the capital and Manhattan, I mean MAGA will storm them for me. I'll watch on TV
Right-wingers IMPLODE over Trump's 34 felony count guilty verdict
The Cult of Trump
(The Young Turks) May 30, 2024: Fox News' Judge Jeanine "Plastic Surgery Disaster" Pirro and conservative commentator Charlie Kirk are melting down over former Pres. Donald Trump's 34-count conviction for falsifying business records in his hush money trial. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Read more:
Send money to Joe's, I mean to MY campaign!
"America has gone over a cliff. To convict a former president of crimes that are not even specified in the indictment and for which the president was not allowed to defend himself, is a sad day for this great country. November 5th cannot come soon enough." TYT is t
he largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian.

Support the show ( No, why bother? Support the show instead. [Phony] Progressive battle plan: Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.

Genocide Joe breaks silence on Trump trial

I'll file an appeal. This was all rigged.
(Irish Star) Pres. Joe Biden has broken his silence following Donald Trump's guilty verdict on Thursday afternoon that saw the former president become a convicted felon 34 times over. The verdict of the criminal (hush money) trial, which began on April 15, was delivered by Judge Juan Merchan. Biden responded to this news with a brief social media post, shortly after the verdict was delivered. More
  • The Lincoln Project, American News Reaction, May 24, 2024; Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks), May 30, 2024: Rudi Kinsella (Irish Star); ABC News (Australia); Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Sexism ending in Mexico: new president

German sex doll Lili Bild was the inspiration for Barbie in the Americas (NPR). Mexican icon Frida was actually German-Mestiza. Now who will preside over the United Mexican States?
2024 Mexican general election of June 2 with women in the lead (Wikipedia)
Year of the Woman: Mexico prepares to elect first woman president
The "United Mexican States" is the real name of our neighbor country referred to as Mexico.
(NBCLA) May 31, 2024: While two female candidates are leading the polls in Mexico’s presidential election (with one man in third place), they have been accused of not being nearly feminist enough or doing much for women when they were in power as a senator or mayor). NBC Los Angeles’ Mekahlo Medina reports from Mexico City.

Jewish candidate Claudia Sheinbaum and Indigenous candidate Xochitl Galvez (AP)

Your vacation-destination when you've got steam to blow
Just remember to leave those shiny pesos up in Mexico

(Up? Yes, Europeans altered world maps to place themselves on top when for centuries the north had always been the south, as is still remembered by the Islamic world. Maps are distorted, politicized, mutable, and very deceptive).

Who would Frida vote for? Fellow Ashkenazim
Remember how racism ended when we elected B.S. Obama? We don't either. So the idea that a female in the Casa Blanca or holding the highest title in the land (next to the name Carlos Slim) would mean the end of sexism, discrimination, sex trafficking, gendered infanticide, oppression, sex role stereotyping, bias, or the double standard is kind of silly, isn't it? A female president is a step in the right direction. This step was taken in Pakistan decades ago. What happened? Were all problems solved? When other countries followed suit, it helped. But we are far from being in the clear.

The amazing, advanced technology of ancient Mexico rivalling Egypt now covered in jungle
Xochitl Galvez versus Claudia Sheinbaum
"Backward" Mexico is more progressive than the US of A? Who'da thunk it? That is not to say that Pres. Kamala would be an advancement. We'd rather see Pres. Jill Stein or the long-awaited Pres. Andrew D. Basiago. The last thing we need is the same-old, same-old. But in ancient Rome, only Patricians could run for Senate. Plebians, who were the vast majority of the population, could not. The proletariat rose up and demanded change, which they got. But when they got it, they didn't vote in any Plebes. It didn't feel right. Their minds were colonized, you see? What a "senator" looks like or
should look like was already drilled into their heads. Until they cleared that, until they decolonized their minds, did they make any progress. "Fix your head, and your butt will follow," the wise have been known to say. So welcome a new boss, different from the old boss. And incrementally we may make some progress eventually. Viva Mexico!

Opinion: Mexico's June 2 election has already made history — for violence
Vote Xochitl: Pick me, Everybody, pick me!
On Sunday, Mexicans will go to the polls to vote on more than 20,000 elected positions in the largest election in a generation.

This year’s vote will also likely yield the country’s first woman president — former Mexico City Mayor (Jewish candidate) Claudia Sheinbaum or Senator (Indigenous candidate) Xóchitl Gálvez.

As elections experts and democracy professionals, we are watching this historic democratic exercise with excitement — and concern. Mexico’s electoral machinery is struggling in the face of violence and threats.
  • PHOTO: Mexican presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez at a campaign rally in the Tepito neighborhood of Mexico City last week (Fernando Llano/AP).
  • The country Mexico is not actually called "Mexico" any more than the USA is called "America." It's what people call it, but it isn't its name. It is called the United Mexican States and has been for a long time, long before its merger with the USA was planned as part of the Amero Union.
We are a nation with a very long history.
The quality of the Mexican vote matters to the United States because the challenges our ally and biggest trading partner faces — northward migration, economic development, and narcotrafficking — are our challenges too.

This electoral cycle in Mexico is already the most violent in recent memory. In the seven months from September to May 2, 2024, 560 victims suffered lethal and nonlethal electoral violence; there have been at least 195 election-related killings, including at least 34 candidates.

Mexico's ET mummy of Peru (Jamie Maussan)
In the last election cycle, 2020-2021, among 299 victims of election-related violence, there were 88 killings.

Turf wars in recent months between battling cartels and organized crime syndicates are putting candidates and politicians in the crosshairs at the local level and in a handful of states in central and southern Mexico. More

MAGAots call for revenge, violence, civil war

If Kavanaugh's Kourt Kan't overturn this, I say we kill them all and start over for Trump.
We're on the same team, Coppers! Join us to fight for the glory of Trump and his USA

Times have changed. Maybe he should not run.
Hardcore followers of Donald Trump [MAGAots] are calling for riots, insurrection, and assassination after the disgraced candidate and loser (in court) was convicted of falsifying business records (which is financial fraud and a felony in NY) on [May 30].

A New York jury found the former president guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying records to cover up payments to porn star Stormy Daniels as part of a conspiracy to influence the outcome of the 2016 election -- the last part being what made all of these acts felonies.

Let's go to prison together. I'll be your cellmate
Republican politicians widely refused to accept the verdict from the Manhattan trial, decrying the process using Trump's own catchy and oft-repeated slogans, such as: "rigged," "corrupt," "ridiculous," and "bullsh*t."

However, in messages seen by The Independent, and others reported by Reuters, Trump loyalists on right-wing social networks went much further: "Find the jurors. All of them. Take no prisoners [which is to say, KILL them]," wrote one user on a Trump-focused message board.

Some posts used coded language, such as one which urged "short drops" – that is, execution by hanging [as MAGAots planned for VP Pence on Jan. 6th during the minor uprising in D.C.] – for the people responsible for Trump's [negative outcome at] trial.
Rise up, Patriots, and send in money to the Leader
  • [It is odd that MAGAots are this made in what is just the second trial in a row that Donald "Winner" Trump has lost. Remember? He was just fined and forced to cough up half a billion dollars or risk losing his properties. That was about rape, sexual abuse, and defamation. This is about financial fraud. But he faces three much more serious trials to come, during which he is almost certainly going to be sent to prison related to election tampering and that tiny insurrection he fomented and called on his MAGAots to carry out for him, promising he would protect them from prosecution for their felonies, treason, and violence. Did he? Oops. He's all about No. 1.]
QAnon Shaman Chansley, 33, rotting in jail for Trump, no release for shaman religion
This country owes me. Minions, spread out and make them regret it. I'll be golfing.
A second civil war: Years after Trump's violent insurrection, how worried should we be?

Who brought the gallows for Pence?
Another user replied with "short walks and long drops," plus a helicopter emoji – an apparent reference to gruesome violence called "death flights" such as those used by right-wing dictators in Argentina and Chile to dispose of dissidents by throwing them out of helicopters so they plunge to their deaths.

One post seen by Reuters claimed that "someone in New York with nothing to lose needs to take care of [Judge] Merchan," referring to the judge who oversaw the trial, while another declared: "Time to start capping [murdering with bullets] some lefties." More + VIDEO

Disastrous post-conviction press conference, MAGA nuts kiss ass with cringey tributes
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) May 31, 2024: Trump scored the most guilty verdicts of any president ever yesterday, there are still three other felony cases against him, each for much more serious crimes, the tributes have been pouring in for our ex-president, he held a doozy of a braindead press conference this morning at Trump Tower, his attorney Todd "the Scowl" Blanche made the opposite of a victory lap on cable news, Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11th which is four days before the Republican National Convention (where he would likely have become the Republican's 2024 candidate), his campaign claims that they raked in more than $34 million dollars yesterday in donations (one for each felony), Pres. Genocide Joe played host to Swiftie footballer Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs, GramPOTUS weighed in on the legal follies yesterday, and here's a look back at all of the predictions Donald made about life under Biden in 2020 (all of which turned out to be Trump lies). #Kimmel