Thursday, December 14, 2023

American Jews against Israel's genocide

Mataeo Smith, Mirror via; Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Can you please make Israel stop its genocide?
Angry motorists have assaulted Jewish protesters, who oppose Israel and are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, as they blocked the 110 Freeway in Downtown Los Angeles.

The demonstration was organized by IfNotNow, a Jewish movement whose goal is to erode U.S. support for Israel and its illegal activities in the Middle East as it continues its carpet bombing and ground invasion into the Gaza Strip in Palestine.

Jewish demonstrators blocked the entire horizontal length of the freeway in a single file while sporting black shirts that read "not in our name" and holding up cardboard signs calling for a ceasefire.

Angry LA motorists trying to drive along the freeway became annoyed at the war protesters, with one driver zipping his motorcycle right through the picket line, as police laughed, shrugged their shoulders, and let him pass without chasing him down for attempted murder, endangering lives, or disobeying a freeway stop.

A user on X, formerly Twitter, said no one was injured or hurt "as far as I can tell." [But if they were, the cops didn't give two cents to do anything about it, as if human lives of protesters mean even less than the lives of Gazans.]

Others left their cars to argue with the peaceful demonstrators. One man is seen in a video on X intimidating and pushing a protester as he stood behind his comrades, who were sitting across the freeway singing [peace and protest songs]. More: Angry motorists attack protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire while blocking major road (

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