Monday, December 11, 2023

SUTRA: The Results of Karma (AN 8.40)

Edited by Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson for Wisdom Quarterly from Ven. Thanissaro (original translation), Vipaka Sutta: "Results" (AN 8.40 PTS: A iv 247) from
  • [The following are violations of the Five Precepts all humans should follow if they wish to again be reborn among humans rather than in lower worlds. Note that No. 4 is usually lumped together as "wrong speech" but is here divided into four parts, showing the significance of verbal-karma for humans.]
People say, "You Only Live Once." It's untrue.
1. "Meditators, killing (the taking of life) — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is karma (intentionally-motivated action) that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm or womb of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of the hungry ghosts. The least of all the karmic consequences resulting from the taking of life is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to a shortened lifespan.
2. "Stealing — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is action that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of the hungry ghosts. The least of all the karmic consequences resulting from stealing is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to the loss of wealth.

Are those haters flipping me off? Wait, is that Death? Wait, is this symbolism in my videos?
Taylor Swift's rivalry and revenge
3. "Sexual misconduct — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is karma that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of the hungry ghosts. The least of all the karmic consequences resulting from sexual misconduct is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to rivalry and revenge.

4. "Telling falsehoods — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is action that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of the hungry ghosts. The least of all the karmic consequences resulting from telling falsehoods is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to being falsely accused.

The mouth is like a loaded gun. Mind the tongue.
4. "Divisive tale bearing — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is karma that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts. The least of all karmic consequences resulting from divisive tale bearing is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to the breaking of one's friendships.

4. "Harsh speech — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is action that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts. The least of all karmic consequences resulting from harsh speech is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to offensive sounds [ejaculatory grunts, outbursts].

Billie: I better watch what I say. It'll come back.
4. "Frivolous chit chat (low or beastly talk, idle speech, busybody gossip) — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is action that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts. The least of all karmic consequences resulting from frivolous chit chat is that, if one is again reborn on the human plane, it leads to not being believed (or taken seriously, words that are not worth taking to heart).

There's no need to count other's bad karma.
5. "Drinking alcohol (fermented and distilled liquor) — when pursued, indulged in, and stored up — is karma that leads to rebirth in hells, leads to rebirth in the realm of animals, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts. The least of all karmic consequences resulting from drinking alcohol is that, if one is again reborn becomes a human being again, it leads to mental derangement."
  • See AN 4.111 for an example of "harsh training"

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