Thursday, January 4, 2024

Israel to send Gazans to Africa: genocide

Issac Jones (, News, 1/4/24) edited by Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Shauna Schwartz (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Genocide on Parade: Israel engages in a conspiracy by plotting in talks to compel “voluntary migration” of Gazans to Congo (Africa) by obliterating the Strip and exterminating anyone who tries to stay
We're conspiring to trick them out of their land
Israel is reportedly in discussions with the Democratic Republic of Congo and other nations to entice and pressure them to help facilitate the “voluntary migration” of Palestinians from their homes in the Gaza Strip, as part of a controversial plan that is gaining traction among Israeli government officials complicit in the forced relocation of the ethnic indigenous population.
The High Court ruined Plan A. Here's Plan B.
Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition is said to be conducting secret negotiations with Congo and potentially other countries to accept thousands of immigrants from Gaza.

“Congo will be [made to be] willing to take in migrants, and we’re in talks with others,” a senior source in the security cabinet revealed.

This comes against a backdrop of intense conflict brought on by Israel's revenge attacks on civilians, with Gaza facing a severe humanitarian crisis following a bout of IDF violence that has resulted in a surge in casualties and kidnappings and baseless detentions by the occupying force on its captive population, held partly in the Gaza concentration camp.

Peace doesn't work. We must rely on war.
Amid Israel's ongoing genocidal attacks from the air on an armyless adversary and attendant tensions and humanitarian concerns, Netanyahu, at a right-wing Likud faction meeting, expressed his administration’s determination to compel the migration of Gazans to other countries:

“Our problem is [finding] countries that are willing to absorb Gazans [so we can be rid of them and can steal all of their remaining land], and we are working on it,” Netanyahu stated, addressing the challenging task of finding willing host nations.

The corrupt and criminally charged prime minister’s remarks align with sentiments expressed by Likud MK Danny Danon, who noted that the global community is deliberating the possibilities of voluntary immigration, despite widespread international disapproval.

Which body-double are you? - The crying one.
The pursuit of this policy has drawn severe criticism from the US State Department, which denounced the rhetoric from far-right Israeli ministers as “inflammatory and irresponsible.”

However, Netanyahu and his right-wing government coalition persist, with high-ranking Israeli officials such as Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel endorsing the migration [expulsion] strategy.

During a Knesset conference, Gamliel asserted, “voluntary migration is the best and most realistic program for the day after the fighting ends,” painting a grim picture of post-conflict Gaza with limited municipal governance and economic opportunities [until the unwelcome natives are gone then watch a complete shift in outlook and opportunity for Zionist Jews].

I got this, Bill. We've been plotting a long time.
The Israeli government’s approach, purposely mislabeling the strategy as “voluntary migration,” has been met with skepticism.

Critics argue that by purposely making Gaza uninhabitable by aerial bombardment and the use of secret Israeli weapons, the policy effectively coerces Palestinians into leaving.

Israel's ongoing war on Gaza, which has led to significant displacement of the population and loss of innocent life, further complicates the viability and ethics of the proposed scheme.

They learned well from us: NATO (NAZIs).
“At the end of the war, Hamas rule will collapse, there are no municipal authorities, the civilian population will be entirely dependent on humanitarian aid. There will be no work, and 60% of Gaza’s agricultural land will become security buffer zones,” Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel said to the Knesset on Tuesday.

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