Thursday, December 5, 2024

Meeting (mushroom) spirits for X-mas

How could Shaman'ta be so nice?
Shaman Santa is nice to a deaf Sami girl named "Sami"
Scandinavian shroom shamans were beloved figures.

Fly Agaric and its ties with Christmas | Amanita Muscaria Mushroom
How can we spread Western culture/Xmas cheer?
(Danni in the Wild) Dec. 19, 2023: Did our much-loved Christmas celebrations derive from a psychedelic trip brought on by the Amanita muscaria mushroom? Where did the idea of "Father Christmas" come from? Do reindeer really learn to "fly" by eating magic mushrooms that get them high? Why does Santa Claus come down the chimney of all places? And are "machine elves" real?
Join me, Danni in the Wild, as I explore the parallels between traditional shamanic winter solstice celebrations from the Arctic communities of the Kamchadals and Koryaks of Siberia, and the traditional Christmas celebrations we practice today in Europe and the Americas. (Feliz Navidad, Latin America! We strongly advise people not to trip without a competent minder and sitter, like a shaman).

Sources and suggested further reading:
  • Mushrooms and Mankind by James Arthur
  • Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy by Clark Heinrich
  • The Mushroom and the Cross by John M. Allegro
Foraging Wild Foods and Medicinal Mushrooms October | UK
These red-and-white gifts just popped up under the tree overnight. I wonder what's in them.

(Danni in the Wild) Oct. 26, 2023: Join me, Danni in the Wild, for a late fall forage in a local woodland pasture. It is a beautiful day, and there are lots of wild edible berries, plants, and fungi to find -- some of the mushrooms being medicinal, too! Please see notes on species below before mushroom hunting.
  • Acorns (oak seeds) contain high amounts of tannins which can cause stomachaches, so they must first be prepared (soaked, washed, rewashed, and rinsed over and over) before consuming or ground into flour;
  • Rosehips (future rosebuds) contain itchy hairs that should be removed before consumption;
  • Golden spindles are nontoxic but not usually recommended for consumption due to their tough texture and bitter flavor;
  • Amanita muscaria (Fly agaric) contains psychoactive ibotenic acid and the hallucinogen muscimol, so failure to prepare it properly for its intended use may result in freaking out, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo, anxiety, and lots of other unpleasant feelings!
  • WARNING: Remember never to eat any wild food -- be it plant, fruit, or fungi -- unless you are 100% certain of its identity. Always cross check resources to be 200% sure. Always do research before taking herbs internally, especially if pregnant, have severe allergies, or have a weakened immune system.
  • PLEASE: Remember to take only what is needed from places of abundance (and never more than 10% of any plant) so as to always leave plenty for the other wildlife.
  • To follow along for more foraging and forest garden content, join me over on Instagram, TikTok, and Threads: @danniinthewild; subscribe to channel for more mushroom content, or follow me on Instagram, Threads, and TikTok β€ͺ@danniinthewild‬ Thanks for watching! :)
  • Danni in the Wild; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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