Friday, October 8, 2021

Dissident: China spread virus at 2019 games

Chinese dissident claims COVID-19 may have been first spread during 2019 military games
(Sky News Australia, Sept. 28, 2021) Prominent pro-democracy campaigner Wei Jingsheng has accused China of using the military games, which were held in Wuhan in 2019, as an opportunity to spread the novel coronavirus.

Other states like China were in on it, too, with me. Right, Vlad?
Speaking with Sky News Host Sharri Markson as part of her exclusive documentary, What Really Happened in Wuhan, Wei accused Beijing of using the games as an opportunity to spread the virus.

“I thought that the Chinese government would take this opportunity to spread the virus during the military games as many foreigners would show up there,” he told Markson. He said he told his friend, high-profile human rights lawyer Dimon Liu, in November that a novel coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan.

“I learned there was an unusual exercise by the Chinese government during the military games, and so I told Dimon about the possibility of the Chinese government using some strange weapons, including biological weapons, because I knew they were doing experiments of that sort,” Wei said.

He has no evidence the virus actually did spread at the games, although no testing was done by authorities when the athletes returned from Wuhan.

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