Friday, October 8, 2021

Shamanism demystified: healing (audio)

Bianca Solonga (, 8/7/21); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly
Shamanic healing addresses emotional traumas, blockages, baggage (NAFAS/Walid Aboulnaga)

Shamanism demystified: Enhance overall wellness through shamanic healing
Shamanic healing is not "magic." Instead, it is a powerful, transformative modality that helps us shed emotional traumas, blockages, burdens, old beliefs, and baggage.

These things keep us from being the best versions of ourselves. At the onset, the concept may seem like a lot to process.
  • How does it help with traumas?
  • What do I expect from the experience?
Before my very first encounter with this practice, I asked: “Will I have to conjure any spirits or ghosts?”
  • Shamanism live event, L.A. (Dharma Buddhist Meditation)
Even in the age of Google, where information is easily accessed and consumed, mysticism and occultism are common misconceptions surrounding shamanism. This has to do with its deep roots in ancient times that go beyond the birth of religion.

In truth, it is no more different than yoga. It recommends a path for living instead of fixating on doctrine or dogma. Shamanism can cut across religions and cultures such that a devout Catholic may choose to practice Vinyasa or go into regular meditation.

They are also similar in the sense that its various forms and philosophies are time-honored. In fact, some studies published by the University of Minnesota writes:

“Many formalized religions, from Buddhism to Christianity, came from ancient shamanic roots and still bear the shamanic threads of deep connection to the divine in all things.”

Sabrina Villard, whose energy healing practice is anchored on her shamanic lineage, begins: “I usually call my sessions ‘therapy for lazy people.’

“No work required, just relax and allow me to guide you. You just need to be ready to face yourself and evolve.” Sessions with Sabrina can be booked via Balance Health or through her platform, VHealing. 

They can be facilitated in person or through Zoom. She explains that even from a distance, she could access one’s energy field to clear, balance and remove blockages.

Sabrina explains, “My shamanic healing practice focuses on shedding light on the root or source of any emotional traumas or blockages to help you step forward in life.”

The 45-minute encounter puts mind and body was in a meditative state. Deep drums, Brazilian, African, Arabic, and Peruvian music takes the senses on a journey. The only job, when engaging in an energy healing session, is to lay back, relax, and welcome restoration.

Sabrina: “I will work by connecting to your energy field. This way I can find where the blockages and remove them. The goal is to clear and rebalance your energy.”

The first phase feels a lot like walking into a technicolor dream, while being fully aware of the present. There is an indescribable sense of lightness when Sabrina closes the first phase.

Clearing and balancing is followed by dialogue and, finally, a mutual agreement to embark on a healing journey. This holistic approach in energy healing allows one to tap into both the tangible and invisible for optimum results.

Sabrina: “To reach our fullest and highest potential, we must address and attend to all parts of ourselves. This is a lot like conventional therapy, except I'll be doing all the talking.”

During the exchange, Sabrina identifies blockage points, relating them to various concerns like childhood and traumas. She further explains how and why joints in our body also function as emotional storage rooms.

For example, when we feel stressed or anxious, it is usually manifested through upper back or neck pains. She further says, “We work on the energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. All this is wrapped up with open-heart communication. Voicing things out is very important to bring down your thoughts to something that is more concrete.”

During one of our chats, Sabrina reveals details of her Bedouin shaman lineage: “My grandmother was a shaman.”

“Discovering my shamanic roots gave me a fresh perspective on life and happiness. This is also why I deliver messages in simplest way possible, always aiming for the root and removing all superficial layers.”

Sabrina has been an energy healer since 2015, practicing Level 3 Reiki. She is also a trained clinical acupuncturist, which lends expertise on the body and how it stores energy. She says, “There is no magic but only a willingness to put in the work. One must believe that the magic is within. A shaman only provides guidance.”

It’s been almost a year since my first shamanic breathwork experience with NAFAS Journeys. Headed by certified Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator and Ordained Shamanic Minister Walid Abounaga, it remains one of the most intense and powerful healing experiences I’ve ever experienced.

It was on the invitation of my friend Malou Araneta, founder of the wellness platform RESONANCE and recently ordained shamanic minister, that I came to know about breathwork. The first session was a beautiful medley of fear turned into pure elation.

Walid begins, “This modality fascinated me more than any other technique. For the first time, I was able to connect with spirits, travel into different realms and enter different dimensions beyond the 3D world we live in.”

Connected circular breaths accompanied by binaural beats or chakra-attuned tones opens doors for an expanded state of awareness. Before every breathwork session Walid says, “The ego resides in that small window between inhaling and exhaling. Through circular breaths we let go of the ego.”

This breathing technique also saturates the mind, allowing for it to go into a safe, naturally-induced transcendental state.

Minutes into my session, an electric current built up from my feet, moving all through my limbs. I also began to feel light-headed and cold.

As a first time ecstatic breather with type A personality, it caused panic and momentary fear. But after that, the journey revealed profound lessons on trust and being courageous in exploring the unknown. Transcending that initial fear was in itself a breakthrough.

As soon as I let go of fear and panic, a sensorial journey unlike any I’ve had commenced. There were colored lights similar to how I imagined the Northern Lights would look — except amplified....

Ironically, it’s when we go into an altered state that we are rooted back into our true nature and essence — where ego and experience are completely stripped off. And because the healing happens during an altered state, blockages, traumas, and pain that hide deep within our subconscious are tapped, acknowledged, and ultimately released.

Walid says, “There are many different shamanic practices used to enter altered states from drumming, chanting, twirling and, of course, breathing....” More

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