Friday, October 8, 2021

If Bigfoot is real, it looks like this (video)

Tim Binnall (Coast to Coast) edited/expanded by Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

An intriguing video circulating online purports to show a massive "Bigfoot" walking through the wilderness in Idaho, aka:
What does Jane Goodall think about Bigfoot?
Viewers insist it's simply too good to be true! The remarkable but very short piece of footage appeared on YouTube [in August 2021] and, as is often the case with curious scenes that possibly feature a real Sasquatch, little is known about the origin of the material except that it is said to have been filmed in Idaho.

Jane Goodall on eyewitness accounts of cryptid species on every continent
  • (Yahoo Entertainment, 8/28/18) Jane Goodall on how Bigfoot might be real Jane Goodall is a dame of the British Empire, a founder of a global institute that bears her name, a Messenger of Peace for the United Nations, and is one of the most respected and renowned ethologists. And, hurray, she is a bit of a Bigfoot Truther. More with Jane Goodall.
Do ETs exile Sasquatches to this prison planet?
It's a jaw-dropping video alleged to be Bigfoot because of its clarity, proximity, and movement. It is close to the camera and appears to be of considerable size.

This video of bipedal primate, ape, or cryptozoological species of human is covered in hair and is seen walking through a wooded area.

At various points, the gait of this suspected Sasquatch appears to resemble the Bigfoot at the center of the iconic Patterson-Gimlin film [which is real based on a new analysis of the original, undegraded celluloid, which shows other accompanying creatures in the woods behind it that were never found or reported from analyses of copies of copies of the footage].

Spiritual high strangeness
Those who always said they'd "believe it when they saw it," now have firm footage upon which to base their belief in the famed cryptid. They hail this footage as some of the best evidence -- in addition to the published scientific analysis already available (with DNA, artifacts, and footage) establishing the existence of this semi-human -- for the legendary creature that they have ever seen.

More skeptical viewers have expressed reservations about the veracity of this video, noting that there appear to be a number of cuts in the footage. One is forced to wonder why anyone would stop filming such an incredible scene unfolding before his or her eyes -- or why provide only a few seconds to NvTv?
  • Surviving Gigantopithecus has become popular in cryptozoology as the identity of Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and India's Yeti or the Native American creature Sasquatch, and Neanderthal the identity of Georgia's Almas (according to Lloyd Pye), three humanlike creatures of lore.
Modern Sasquatch sightings match ancient Buddhist accounts of yakshas or "ogres"

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