Sunday, October 10, 2021

Vaxx side effects reported (Jimmy Dore Show)

Arizona ABC 15, Dr. Greg Poland; Jimmy Dore (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Side effects? Could it be? Vaxxed
Tinnitus is as real as autism, an alleged side effect of dangerous and often experimental vaccines because the largest clinical trial is tiny. Only the larger study on those duped into taking mass vaccinations reveals the real harmful side effects or etiology of allopathic medicines. Etiological studies on large populations show what harm awaits those relying on Western Big Pharma toxins (Greek "sorcery") as medicine. Driven by fear spread by the mainstream media, people rush to get shots, enriching Big Pharma, and suffering in silence for many years to come. Natural immunity is best with a good immune system boosted by a clean diet, exercise, rest, relaxation, and detoxification and cleanses.

Intuitive warns of infertility side effects

Share this. WARNING: Do not come near vaxxed people.

  • ChristifurMacfistifur: Bill Gates for president[?]
  • Aussie-Anzac: I believe this lady may be referring to the "R-Spike Protein Jumping."
  • KiwiDave: It's interesting that women, when in living in a close group, tend to get their periods closer together as a group. Why or how this happens seems to be unknown. It may well be that women who have a cycle change from the [COVID-19 vaccination] can affect those around them. How Curious.
  • FTA: The Nuremberg Code says I don't have to take any shots I don't want.
  • Purilisa: This vaccine sounds like it is the deadly virus instead of COVID.
  • Werenotalone: Well done. At least you're thinking about the truth. More
Nurse warns, website taken down
( taken down or co-opted, redirected)
  • Sensitivity: Normal, content suitable for ages 16 and over.

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