Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Obama, Trump, or Biden on trillion dollar coin?

Economics Bitcoin News; Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
B. S. (Barry Soetoro) Obama played with idea of trillion dollar coin, too. It's a fiat gimmick.
Donald GOP MAGA Trump already has a novelty trillion dollar bill (farmceutica.co.uk)
US floats idea of minting a trillion-dollar platinum coin to avoid sovereign debt crisis
I have the prettiest face for it.
American politicians have been clamoring about the U.S. facing a significant debt crisis and the debt ceiling putting the country at risk of default.

Pres. Joe Biden spoke about the debt ceiling and told Republicans to “just get out of the way” when it comes to the decision.

Meanwhile, a number of U.S. bureaucrats are floating the idea of minting a $1 trillion platinum coin in order to magically bolster the treasury with cash.
  • Trillion-dollar coin concept strongly considered by US politicians, former US mint director says platinum coin can be minted in mere hours
I'd rather have my mug on money, Donald.
Simply creating new fiat [currency] out of thin air these days is an extremely popular trend, and it seems that many politicians worldwide have not considered the history of economies that have been destroyed by excessive monetary expansion.

In the U.S., public officials have been discussing the country’s debt ceiling and whether or not America will default on what it owes. More

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