Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Science and Spirituality of Sasquatch Studies

Ron Morehead (Amazon.com); Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Quantum physics will help us understand.
How do quantum physics and spirituality relate to Sasquatch or "Bigfoot"? In Ronald Morehead’s 45-plus years of researching this phenomenon, he has heard very strange reports.

A few of these claim that these creatures disappear, vanish, zip out of this reality. Is that possible? Might the laws of quantum physics answer that?

The accepted mathematics of quantum physics say that there is more going on than meets our our three-dimensional eyes.
Scientists now know through physics that empty space (dark matter, dark energy, quanta) is not empty. However, it is a dimension existing outside of the observable spectrum (vibrational frequency) of light for humans.

Classical science has restricted itself by its own disciplines and will never grasp the big picture. If we restrict ourselves to the box of classical science, with its old axioms and assumptions, to try to determine all that exists, we will never begin to understand the cosmos, that is, the world of spirituality [beyond our unpurified six senses].

The math of quantum physics indicates that, according to string theory, there are at least eleven dimensions in existence. It is possible that there are innumerable dimensions. Therefore, could the laws of quantum physics resolve Bigfoot mysteries?

[Whether they can or not, it is the only thing modern secular people will take seriously, listen to, and possibly understand.] More

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