Friday, November 5, 2021

Four ways to enlightenment (video)

Skillfully building our Dhamma practice, Part 1: AN 4.170
(Buddhist Insights) Join Sutta Study with German Buddhist nun Ayya Vimalanyani, who explores a sutra given by Ven. Ananda after his enlightenment.

Enlightened Master Ananda lived to 120.
She uses the excellent Bhikkhu Bodhi translation, but a more easily accessible translation of AN 4.170 is also available at In this discourse Ven. Ananda describes the four approaches, any one of which others successfully utilized to gain full awakening:
  1. insight preceded by serenity
  2. serenity preceded by insight
  3. serenity and insight together
  4. and a strange fourth type that is further explained by referring to examples of it from other sources, a person struggling with sensual lust and/or restlessness from strong determination to accomplish or "get" a goal and subsequently letting go.
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