Friday, November 5, 2021

There's a new "Richest Man in the World"

Eliza Haverstock (, 11/1/21); Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I remember Elon Musk as not even being American (The Mandela Effect  — The BCA Beat)

Tesla (stock) is headed to the moon.
After adding tens of billions to his net worth on Monday [Nov. 1, 2021], Elon Musk has become the first person with more than $300 billion to his name. [He's one-third of the way to being the world's first trillionaire.]

Musk’s fortune settled at $306.4 billion on Tuesday afternoon, Forbes estimates [the Indian press estimating $335 billion], after crossing the previously untouched $300 billion threshold on Monday as Tesla’s stock continued its tear [toward the moon].
  • How much is a billion dollars? It's 1,000 million. But how much is a billion really? Tim (Tim Conway Jr. Show, 11/2/21) tried to figure it out. Let's say you make $100,000 a year. It will take you 10,000 years to earn $1 billion. How many years to make it to $300 billion? Three million years!  We're not mathematicians, so all numbers are approximate, and Tim completely confounded his number. Now, a "trillion" in the USA is 1,000 billion, so keep on truckin'.
Now, how do I stay alive forever to enjoy it?
The electric car company’s market capitalization passed $1 trillion last week after Hertz [rent-a-car] announced it was buying 100,000 Tesla vehicles to add to its rental fleet — which would give Tesla $4.2 billion in cash, Bloomberg reported.

Shares closed at a record $1,208 on Monday, giving Tesla a $1.2 trillion market cap and Musk a net worth of $315 billion. More
How did this happen, and didn't anyone see it coming? Eliza Haverstock (

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