Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sri Lanka's total collapse: riots (video)

Protests turn violent in Sri Lanka as anger grows over inflation, power cuts
(TRT World, April 1, 2022) Sri Lankan protesters have tried to storm the home of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the country's economic situation worsens. One person was injured, and police imposed a curfew in parts of the capital, Colombo. Many demonstrators are demanding that Pres. Rajapaksa resign as food prices soar and things become unavailable. Daniel Padwick reports.

Confessions of Econ Hit Man
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Ceylon’s president has agreed to replace his older brother as prime minister in a proposed interim government to solve a political impasse caused by the majority-Buddhist country’s worst economic crisis in decades, a prominent lawmaker said Friday.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa agreed that a national council will be appointed to name a new prime minister and Cabinet comprised of all parties in Parliament, lawmaker Maithripala Sirisena said after meeting with the president.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (How the U$A rules)

"Power to the People" - ALL of them Sinhalese Buddhists, Tamil HIndus, and Muslims (AP)
Sirisena, who was president before Rajapaksa, was a governing party lawmaker before defecting earlier this month along with nearly 40 other legislators.

We'll switch places then sell out to the IMF!
However, Rohan Weliwita, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, said the president has not communicated any intent to remove the prime minister and a decision will be announced if such a step is taken.

Sri Lanka is near bankruptcy and has announced it is suspending payments on its foreign loans until it negotiates a rescue plan with International Monetary Fund.
It has to repay $7 billion in foreign debt this year, and $25 billion by 2026. Its foreign reserves stand at less than $1 billion. More + PHOTOS

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic
Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World (John Perkins)

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