Monday, May 2, 2022

Getting in touch with our emotions (audio)

J. Makransky (; Lori, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

John Makransky’s Compassion Workshop
Becoming compassionate self (IFS)
During late September 2020, Boston College Professor of Buddhism John Makransky taught a multi-day workshop titled “We Are Already Held in the Qualities We Seek: An Introduction to Innate Compassion Training” at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute ( in Kathmandu, Nepal.

RYI was founded by Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, one of Prof. Makransky’s root teachers, as an institution of higher learning for people wishing to deepen their understanding of Buddhist philosophy and practice.

Lama John Makransky (Boston College 2002)
RYI has been offering seminars and study programs in Nepal for more than 25 years. Several of Lama Makransky’s recent talks at the Institute are available for streaming on Rangjung Yeshe Institute’s SoundCloud ( teachings page: 

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