Sunday, September 4, 2022

Chris Hedges On Contact: Slaughterhouse

Don't eat us. If you do, they'll KILL us to sell our bodies as bloody flesh. Thank you, Humans.

Chris Hedges has a weekly radio interview show called On Contact. It features dissident voices missing from the mainstream media as well as the “black sheep” of the establishment.

Jimmy Dore interviews cancelled/censored/disappeared Chris Hedges
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Hedges "disappeared" from YouTube
with all RT content as reported by Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!
Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry
(Gail A. Eisnitz) Slaughterhouse is the first book of its kind to explore the impact that unprecedented changes in the U.S. meatpacking industry over the last 25 years -- particularly
  • industry consolidation,
  • increased line speeds, and
  • deregulation
-- have had on workers, animals, and American flesh consumers. It is also the first time ever that workers have spoken publicly about what's really taking place behind the closed doors of America's slaughterhouses.

In this new paperback edition, author Gail A. Eisnitz brings the story up-to-date since the book's original publication. She describes the ongoing efforts by the Humane Farming Association to improve conditions in the meatpacking industry, media exposes that have prompted reforms resulting in multimillion dollar appropriations by Congress to try to enforce federal inspection laws, and a favorable decision by the Supreme Court to block construction of what was slated to be one of the largest hog factory farms in the country.

Nonetheless, Eisnitz makes it clear that abuses continue and much work still needs to be done. Slaughterhouse: The Shocking

ABOUT: Christopher Hedges is an American journalist, Presbyterian minister, and visiting Princeton University lecturer. His books include his most recent America: The Farewell Tour (2018), Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt (2015), Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (2009); Death of the Liberal Class (2010); Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt (2012), written with cartoonist Joe Sacco, at one time a New York Times best-seller.

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