Friday, October 7, 2022

Artifacts show ETs and Egyptians in Mexico

Steve Quayle (Coast to Coast, 10/6/22); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Conference has made these revelations
Our favorite Christian fanatic, author, and researcher Steven Quayle ( discusses the ET/Egyptian connection in Mexico and the Americas.

This includes startling physical artifacts discovered, unearthed, and documented on his latest expedition south of the border. Tens of thousands of artifacts show:
  • double helix DNA representations,
  • flying saucers (UFOs),
  • classic ETs with elongated skulls,
  • pyramids,
  • Egyptian hieroglyphs,
  • hideous alien creatures
  • plumed serpents [Quetzalcoatl].
Quayle announces a related online conference to show the world these findings. aggregates the latest news and information on the return of giants.
These artifacts dug out of the ground on film are full of ET glyphs and symbols.
Steve Quayle's photos of ET symbols, glyphs
Researcher Steve Quayle (10/6/22) shares photos from his research on Mexican artifacts that depict alien symbols and glyphs. Pictured are an alien and flying saucer that are 9,000 years old from Tula, Mexico. 2) DNA inscribed with alien symbols, 3) alien-DNA pyramid 4) pyramid with aliens, wings, and Egyptian symbols, (5) Alien glyph story panel, (6) aerial drone view of ground-penetrating radar procedure to uncover artifacts.

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