Sunday, March 5, 2023

Afghan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala in Oscar race with "Stranger at the Gate"

BritFlicks; DT Next, 3/3/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Stranger at the Gate (official trailer) doc
(BritFlicks) A U.S. Marine plans to bomb an American mosque and kill every Muslim in it but instead ends up converting to Islam and becoming president of the temple, in this award-winning documentary short film Oscar candidate.

Malala Yousafzai in Oscar race with film

(DT Next) Malala Yousafzai [the young Afghan girl who got shot in the head by the "Taliban" for trying to go to school, or at least that's the pro-war CIA propaganda we are fed] is in the Oscar race for an Academy Award with her film Stranger at the Gate.

[Malala is a kind of Greta used, not in the climate debate, but to promote US military involvement in Afghanistan in the propaganda war by the CIA to convince American citizens to support their massive war effort. One is reminded of the other bullet-to-the-head "miracle survival" story, astronaut-turned-politician twin Mark Kelly's wife, the Congressperson Gabby Giffords, when it seems both Yousufzai and she had brain surgery and this whole being shot story was made up to take a bad situation and milk it for propaganda purposes.]

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai has boarded the Oscar-shortlisted documentary short film Stranger at the Gate as executive producer.

The film, which charts the surprising change of heart of a PTSD-branded former U.S. Marine-domestic terrorist who set out to bomb a mosque (Islamic temple) but instead converted to Islam because his victims were so kind to him.

It was a prize winner at the 2022 Tribeca Festival. “This film is a powerful true story of forgiveness and redemption,” Yousafzai said in a statement.

“I hope the film challenges [viewers] to question their assumptions and show kindness to everyone they meet.” Directed by Joshua Seftel. Distributed by The New Yorker as part of the magazine’s documentary series.

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