Sunday, March 5, 2023

Ohio train crash: Erin Brockovich is on it

Erin Brockovich, WBNS 10TV, 3/2/23; Jim Dore; Crystal Q., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Erin Brockovich answers every question about Erin Brockovich (
Erin Brockovich in East Palestine, Ohio: "Something is not right here"
Erin Brockovich (2000)
(WBNS 10TV) Activist Erin "Distracting Boobs" Brockovich says she is upset after speaking with residents in East Palestine, Ohio. Where's Julia Roberts to make another movie about the series of train crashes and toxic chemical releases in the Rust Belt/Frost Belt of old-time train lines? Well water is polluted, the air is polluted, fish and land animals are dead, people are suffering, and the government is mostly looking the other way. Pete Buttigieg wouldn't come until he was shamed into showing up. The train companies were afraid to go anywhere near the toxic crash site.

(ABC News) There was a real-life Erin played by Best Actress Julia Roberts

Capitalism is the best form of destroying the environment. "Who will pay for it?" we ask. Lawsuits will make sure someone profits. The "forever chemicals" ensure that life on the surface of the planet will suffer. What if we inject the contaminated water deep into the ground?! That way it will affect people we'll never meet, generations from now. It's not like we're Buddhists or Native Americans worried about people seven generations out.

Who's Erin Brockovich?

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