Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Dr. Robert Epstein SPIES on Google

Dr. Epstein (; Ashley WellsPfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Prof. Robert Epstein was live on The Jimmy Dore Show (YouTube), Wed. Sept. 13, 2023.
An academic named Dr. Robert Epstein (TWP – Tech Watch Project) decided to spy on Google Corporation to see what it was doing with its gathering of ephemeral event data (minute segments of our activity on Google, YouTube, Meta, and all its octopus arms of surveillance for the government and its own coffers as the wealthiest company that has ever existed in the history of the world (more than Apple, Tesla, SpaceX, Amazon, Warren Buffet's partners, the Carlyle Group, and all the others daily moving through our news feed as the "best and brightest" on the global capitalist front. Google used to have a simple mission, "Don't be evil," but that was far too hard to live up to, so it reversed the slogan and is doing a fine job living up to its mission. He is the only researcher in the world doing to Google what Google is doing to all of us: spying. He has therefore been able to demonstrably curb their "evil" behavior of manipulating search results and tipping elections, build a database about each of us for the government to use against us, and more. Research it. In the meantime, avoid using Google for searches -- and social media -- when much better alternatives exist like

(Daily Mail) Democrat Dr. E found Google drove votes to Hillary C.
Researcher Dr. Robert Epstein claims Google search result manipulation affected votes
(Daily Mail) Aug. 20, 2019: Pres. Trump claims Google "manipulated" up to 16 million votes in the 2016 election and cited research by an academic (Dr. Epstein, Ph.D.) who testified before the U.S. Congress. He was citing the conclusions of psychology Professor Robert Epstein, who testified last month [July 2019] that his research shows the number of votes that shifted, after conducting "dozens of controlled experiments." Trump said Google should be "sued" [but seems too cheap to sue them himself for the perceived voter election fraud he is claiming and continued to claim all the way to Jan. 6th].
  • Original article:
  • Original Video:
  • It was my turn, my election!
    [Well, what does it matter? We didn't want Trump to win anyway. [Many of us did not want Hillary Clinton either.] It matters because voters, not Big Tech companies like Google and Facebook/Meta, should be doing the electing without interference. Instead, candidates are selected and put into office by media corporations that are part of the military-industrial complex. Private corporations like Google are the "industrial" in that equation, and the merger of the state (public interest) and corporate power (private interest) is the very definition of "fascism," according to fascists like Mussolini of Italy and Hitler of Nazi Germany.

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