Monday, September 11, 2023

What is "white privilege"? (video)

Ashley Wells, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Beautiful young white woman in bikini is convinced that alcohol and traffic laws don’t apply to her -- and she's right
  • [More accurate title idea:] Karen mouths off, lies, disobeys police, runs from scene of the crime, gets belligerent, repeatedly violates orders, and that's all fine
(Police & Criminals TV) Aug. 29, 2023:  NEW JERSEY (somewhere near Jersey Shore). On May 21, 2023, around 6:17 pm, white patrolman Robert Alvator observed a Dodge Caliber driving erratically on SR 36 northbound.

He followed the vehicle, noticed it swerving and tailgating, and initiated a traffic stop near Orchard Street and SR 36. 

Yes, Mr. Officer, did I do something naughty?
The driver, charming and intoxicated minor Karina Armando (20 years old), admitted to drinking at Donovan's Reef.

Belligerent passenger Olivia "Karen" Morrow (24 years old) began to get uppity with the officers on the scene.

Young driver Karina failed field sobriety tests, including the one leg stand, walk and turn, alphabet, and finger dexterity tests.

The Karen in the car was defiant, uncooperative, apparently drunk in public or otherwise intoxicated, and decided to call her boyfriend to be her getaway driver as she ran from the scene against the direct orders of the officers.

Due to the young driver's behavior, Alvator arrested her for suspicion of DUI. She was taken to Atlantic Highlands Police Department but [wisely] initially refused a breathalyzer.

We used to study white privilege at Shambhala
Remembering that she was white, she invoked her Miranda rights and didn't answer any arrest-related questions. This frustrated officers, but what could they do to a young and impressionable lady who doesn't want to answer their questions?

They were forced to release her with a few summonses to appear when she felt better, could dress nicely, bring a lawyer, and have this all swept under the rug with more than likely a white and very understanding judge who also knows a female similar to Karina and therefore lets her off with a warning not to do this again, at least not until she's 21 and able to legally consume alcohol.

(Family Guy explain it in 19 seconds) Loss of "white privilege" by white male who is now thought of as Black by an officer during a routine traffic stop: The man finds out what it's like to no longer have the privilege of being white and to have the burden of being discriminated against for a social construct like race due to stereotyping.
  • We don't blame people for not being able to see "white privilege" (sort of beneficial or racism in reverse). The bias or stereotype is implicit (unconscious) not explicit. To say one doesn't see it or it isn't happening to me only means one has become accustomed to treatment people of other colors cannot take for granted; think of it as preferential treatment. Then it's easier to see how poorly everyone else is usually being treated. See the work of Prof. Joy DeGruy and Prof. Michele Alexander (Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness) for an awakening. There are other authors, too, like the one who wrote How to Be an Antiracist.
Driver Karina's refusal was logged, and she was gently transported back to the Highlands Police Department more for her and her vehicle's safety than anything else.

I bet you I get off just like I did at the party.
Ms. Armando (the bikini-clad driver Karina) was later released to the Karen's boyfriend after he signed a liability warning that he would be financially responsible if she drove during the next 12 hours.

She was issued summonses for possible DUI, [nothing for drinking as a minor or public drunkenness], refusal to take a chemical test [which is not a crime so much as a right well asserted], reckless driving, traffic lane violation, and tailgating.

[But with the family lawyer or her dad to plead for her, she'll be all right. What's the worse they'll throw at her, driving school? Ah, it's sure great being white in a white man's world.]

Original [misleading] video title: "Woman In Bikini is Convinced That Laws Don’t Apply to Her." Sponsorship inquiries:

ABOUT: Welcome to Police & Criminals TV, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing. This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock viewers [although maybe titillate them a little]. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

FAIR USE DISCLAIMER: This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience, and intention of the original video.

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