Thursday, June 6, 2024

How cryptids can live inside mountains

There were never giants. People around the world are just imagining it. This? Natural pile.
There's nothing to see here, no world below the surface of the planet, no boring machines...

Missing 411: Mt. Shasta disappearances

(The Missing Enigma) Sept. 21, 2023: Abduction or imagination? Perhaps the most bizarre missing person case ever. Link to Patreon: themissingenigma.

(The Lore LodgeMissing 411. Mount Shasta is in the Cascade Range of Northern California, USA. It has become the center of a number of cases of high strangeness. The land of the Klamath Indians is a hot spot for paranormal encounters. Robot grandmas, vanishing hikers, and an underground city of Lemurians in the mountain... Is something in our forests?

There is a local Native American legend of a shapeshifting green fireball named Tahquitz (a mountain-dwelling cryptid, the Idyllwild Monster, possibly a jinn or Sasquatch, called yakkha and rakshasa in Buddhism), said to be a spirit or ghoul, only worse because it can transform itself and fly or disappear into and reappear out of solid rock in and around Agua Caliente, where it resides.

No one lives inside rocks because it's impossible.

Both are part of Native American lore in Riverside, the county next to Los Angeles. (Who are the cryptids of cryptozoology?)

Anyone who has listened to the careful detective work of former police detective David Paulides (Missing 411) or read his carefully compiled and ever-growing list of more than 1,000 curated cases will know that the greatest danger one is in when one is about to go missing -- disappearing on a hike with companions or becoming so lost that one is never again seen alive -- is when traveling in or near a granite boulder field, such as Yosemite.

There are maps of enormous cave systems in the U.S. that overlap almost perfectly with concentrations of missing persons reports.

Creatures live in those caves, entities haunt them, portals exist in or near them, and there are D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases) with guards and agents that utilize, extend, and allow these tunnels, tubes, and caverns to remain in use by or all of these.

Cases in haunted Iceland show that this lore is not limited to some modern hysteria in the United States. Others in the Old World are very familiar with the notion of "hollow hills" and the beings that dwell within. See, for example, that popularity of the famous Edvard Grieg song "In the Hall of the Mountain King."

Peer Gynt was a Norwegian confabulator, an exaggerator, a liar, and it bit him in the behind. He should have listened to his fiancĂ©e Solveig. But that this Norwegian tale is told reveals the deep-seated belief in ogres, trolls, gnomes, dangerous mountain folk in hollow hills.

One place over all others in the U.S. is famous for these sorts of goings on and that is the mysterious Mt. Shasta. People, particularly children, are abducted and taken "into" the mountain. What does that mean, into the mountain?

It is as if they step right through as in the famous case of the American who went to the Andes near Lake Titicaca to a mysterious portal carved into the side of rock. He learned from the local shaman how to use it with a precise series of whistles and tones. And he succeeded in leaving our dimension and time, vanishing from this side to the other.

He reported that when he passed into the stone, it is as if it were glass. He could see out but could neither be seen nor heard. What if there is a simple -- albeit until now an unbelievable one -- answer to what has been going on in Shasta and elsewhere? These abductions could have been using these high-tech passageways rather than some plasma or other rarefied state of stone to enter and exit.

It seems evident the military did not build these features into the rock and then simply forget about them until reminded by this cowardly explorer who immediately called the authorities. He could have documented, observed, and explored them for everyone. Now they are closed off, lost to explorers, just as infinitely deep holes around the country get raided, cordoned off, and erased from Google Earth maps.

For all the mysteries here, particularly the many subterranean worlds already existing, being built by secret boring technology (though Elon Musk brags he has the biggest borer), there is a cover up. Every weekday, scientists in Southern California go underground and enter a high-speed train system that quickly takes them Nevada, alighting in Las Vegas and being taken out to bases. So go much farther east, and nearly everyone in the country is kept in the dark about this.

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