Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Human builds UFO from dream blueprint

Retro Future Dreams: A Short AI Film (AI Retro Rewind) Sept. 20, 2024: [Nazi-US dreams of the 1950s when The Jetsons were about to become real] Step into a vivid vision of the future as imagined in the 1950s. This short AI film blends mid-century nostalgia with sleek, futuristic technology, transporting us to a fantasy world of vintage charm and space-age innovation. Does anyone dig this sci-fi aesthetic (@airetrorewind) or is it too overtly racist? Link: @airetrorewind. This synthetic content was made. Sound and/or visuals were digitally generated. Learn more.

How I created my own UFO when I saw it in my dreams
(MR HO THANH CHE) Sept. 13, 2024: I saw it in my dreams, a vision [possibly sent from Aldebaran]. Make your own flying saucer (vimana, USO, UFO, UAP), which is like following through on a vision. My dream was about running on a river and having great fun. Or let me put it like this:

Cách tôi tạo ra UFO của riêng mình như tôi đã thấy trong giấc mơtôi đã tự làm một chiếc đĩa bay như tôi đã từng thấy nó trong giấc mơ và chạy trên sông giải trí vô cùng vui nhộn. Cách tôi làm một con nhện phi trên mặt nước từ những phế liệu• Cách tôi làm một con nhện phi trên mặ...Full 30 days để tạo ra chiếc thuyền chạy trên cạn từ đống đổ nát• Full 30 days để tạo ra chiếc thuyền c... Tôi tự chế du thuyền các vật liệu từ bãi phế liệu Full 90 ngày• Tôi tự chế du thuyền các vậ...

COPYRIGHT TRAN LONG HO. Original Facebook fanpage: thánh-chế-mr-hồ-109271173753162. Main email: Name: TRAN LONG HO.

Wisdom Quarterly
Dark, handsome, celibate Nikola Tesla
It is fascinating that there are extraterrestrial beings who care enough to look over at Earth from above and send psychic messages to those sensitive enough to pick up on them. Foremost of these was the great inventor Nikolai Tesla, who thanks to his mother had the latent ability to pick up such messages.

Through that family DNA lineage, he was sensitive to it. Beings from Venus or those living on a nearby planet, concerned that all of Earth's problems might be due to not knowing about free-energy (which we do know about but is not made public because of the disastrous effects it would have on our corporate economic system that sells polluting fuels and electric technology and keeps all the perpetual motion and free energy machines seeking patents in a locked vault so that claims can be made but no officially authorized proof).

Maria Orsic (Orsitch)
They reasoned that if they could make contact with one or more earthlings and showed how easy it was, all the problems here would end: war, famine, inequality... Tesla's main dream was establishing a Wi-Fi worldwide network of free electricity. Electrons are now sent around from main generation plants with a great deal of resistance. Whether AC or DC, there is degradation in the signal and loss of energy dissipating as heat or other forms before reaching city centers and "consumers." Tesla envisioned towers electrifying the ether or air (akasha) so that everyone could tap in. That was of no interest to capitalist backers suggesting they would provide the funding. The CIA undermined Tesla then took his revelations to find military applications to his discoveries. Where does that leave us? Right where we are, poor, full of war, and unequal.

What evidence is there that the Nazis ever got one of their schemes to fly?

Sumerians arrived here and then went back.
But at around the same time, there was a better but less well-known case of the same thing happening. Austrian Oracle Maria Orsic and her Vril Society or Gesellschaft of beautiful women (possibly an unearthly beauty) used their psychic powers to make contact with Aldebaran, a distant star system. ET beings there, communicating in an ancient defunct language, sent Orsic information (full blueprints) on how to build a UFO (vimana, "spaceship").

The society did not understand what the information was, but they made contact with Nazis in Germany, approaching a Gestapo member or similar high ups. The German officials, almost certainly not taking these supermodels seriously nevertheless wanted to talk to them, humor them, and keep them around.

Empire Beneath the Ice (S. Quayle)
So a Nazi officer at the restaurant/club took the blueprints and showed them to a professor (a linguist) at another table, who not only recognized them but felt he was the only one who could appreciate what he was being shown because he was an expert in the language they were in, at least a related language. What they were written in, which if memory serves was Middle Sumerian, was not available.

So the professor was desperate to know what museum or archeological site the Nazis had plundered to find such a treasure. The officer explained that that beautiful girl over there had written it. This, of course, was impossible. Even an academic (and this academic regarded himself as foremost in this field of study) could not have forged these, so rare was an understanding of this language, much less an untrained layperson. He was introduced, and Maria Orsic explained that she indeed had produced them but not by knowing what they were.

Rather, she had done so by channeling, explaining that her extraordinarily long hair for the time when a kind of bob was all the rage, had served as an antenna. Members of the Vril Society all had very, very long hair (though one photo shows one beauty caving in and adopting a fashionable bob). The Nazi officer cut to the chase and asked, given that it was a blueprint, was there enough information on it to build what it was. The academic said yes, and this launched the Nazis advantage and ability to win WW II.

Psychic goes cosmic with ETs
Of course, we are all taught that Hitler and the Nazis lost, but they won. They avoided prosecution, were allowed free passage out to Neuschwabenland (New Swabia, Antarctica) and Argentina, with a lot of migration to the Americas, not only the U.S. but a big pocket to Jalisco, Mexico. So many German descendants were already in the U.S. that it is said that it was not a given that this would be an English-speaking new country following the genocide of the Native population.

Did Hitler have secret help?
We might have been German-speaking. Whatever Germany is said to have given up or endured post-WWII, they are now and have for a long time been a financial powerhouse in Europe and the world. The arrangement for the transfer of power and agreements with ETs to the U.S. (NASA, CIA, and other post-Nazi or Neo-Nazi organizations in the U.S.) military-industrial complex was a successful transition.

Many Nazi scientists guilty of war crimes were brought over, protected from prosecution, and set up to help. In fact, the justification for this is that many countries were vying for their expertise. Where did missile technology and military superiority come from to aid the Germans?
  • A more important development than Nazi German UFOs was a UAP called Die Glocke ("The Bell"), which is stable time travel technology. The CIA could not let that fall into other hands. The term UAP is not only a psyop name change. It can actually refer to something fundamentally different than a flying object. USOs are submersibles. This newest invention travels on water, and we already have a similar air-vehicle that travels over level desert land on big fans. There is/was also the mysterious Thule Society, which seems to be the occult male arm of Vril.
Do Austrians remember Maria O?
It was the misuse of ET information, not by Tesla or Orsic but the funders, backers, and officials who were the only ones who could afford to build on an industrial scale. Even if Nazi officials promised the Vril Society that all uses of their channeled information would be peaceful and for the purpose of building a vimana to take them to that distant planet in Aldebaran, the technology was abused. The Vril Society took the journey and were seen no more. Edison was boosted, but Tesla (whose intuited information was so much more valuable) was largely forgotten until recently, even though he now channels from beyond and no one is paying overt attention to his newest revelations.

Tesla being channeled today
The Discovery Channel or similar older network once showed a man who built his own flying disk based on antigravity technology, which is easy to produce by counter-rotating magnets to produce lift. The prototype, a smaller scale proof of principle model, flew away. He was now working on a larger version if he could figure out how to steer it.

Another man built a super-vehicle based on the natural technology under scarab wings that allows the bumblebee-like bugs to fly and float with wings that seem to small for their bodies. A man recently "flew" a magic carpet for all to see by leaping off a cliff with a parachute. He glided down for a great distance, which shows up the fact that we do not know how ordinary flight works, yet it does. If it were "lift" on the wings, then how does a twin-engine Cessna flip over midflight to fly upside down at air shows?

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