The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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A person gets so sick of politics and politicians, business bullsitters and oligarchs, war profiteers and phony anti-war figures that what can one do but follow the words of Berkeley student Mario Savio? He gets to the point, and anyone who cares about freedom and what America's ideals are said to be might agree. Hey, why not? It's March Forth Day.
(pppaaatttrrriiikkk1) What's the alternative to metal? Nu metal (aka alt metal), at least it was back in the summer of 2003 when Deftones were live at Big Day Out or Big Day In in Sydney, Australia, down under where the fans go around the fur for their adrenaline. Fast forward to today, when the Deftones are in Los Angeles for a big show at the Forum, aka the Kia.
A call for civil disobedience when freedom is threatened
MARCH FORTH is an annual unofficial American holiday celebrated on March 4th to encourage everyone to work towards achieving their dreams. It aims to provide an opportunity for people to take calculated risks towards achieving their goals and developing themselves. It is a special day to take a stand against procrastination or the faux reasons that tend to creep into our heads and discourage us from even trying. The name was made up as a homophone of the day "March Fourth." It is also the shortened version of the full name — "March Forth and Do Something Day." More
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