Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hitler, Trump, Peace Prize, Beav & Butt

You and the Dems want War. I want Putin Peace.
Trump gave a good speech, probably the best of his life. Nobel Peace Prize? Why not? War criminal Obama got a preemptive one then lined up war after war for his overseers. Is he a moronic idiot? Maybe. But that seems to work in his favor. He can keep doing his NLP tricks and no one seems to notice or mind, thinking he's just being dumb. All of his arguments are tautologies, not arguments at all, slogans with self-closing loops. Hitler did that. His audience, which doesn't have the bandwidth to pay that much attention, loves it. It's simple. It's to the point then repeats the point. It doesn't get bogged down with facts or logical thought processes. It's about assumptions and gut feelings, implicit biases and racist/sexist tendencies. Republicans have been said to prefer this over the mealy-mouthed mishmash of Democrats. Only Billy Clinton and B.S. Obama could speak well. And not since Ronnie Reagan has anyone connected with business interests, right wingers, movers and shakers, and the military. (This is not Trump's brainchild; he had a script written for him called Project 2025).

I got money and power. What's next, Mars?
By aligning with multi-billionaire lonE ksuM (Lone Kissum-up?) and his gang of youths with computer skills and prying eyes looking at everyone's private data, he gets to take credit for change, innovation, and disruption of the Swamp. He's been lying about draining it for a long time. Now he's doing something, something insiders have been wanting to do for a long time. Trump is the face of it but not the brains, just like Reagan. And what does the nominal opposition (Left in name only) have? Old man Bernie Sanders who can't afford denture paste. *Exhale* It's pathetic. The party of Pelosi and the Squad's AOC, Waters and Kucinich... Where is Kucinich? Get an elderly caveman with a cane to heckle him at the onset of two hours of coherence, that only seems to have helped Trump. Democrats looking down at their phones in boredom through the address, that was funny. Boo for the Bad Man. Yay for the sign holders? Jimmy Dore, what is your analysis?
  • Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

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