Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Jesus' Gospel of Reality as Simulation

Jesus reveals that Reality is a Simulation in 2,000-year-old gospel

(MorgueOfficial)  Premiered March 1, 2025: Ever wonder if EVERYTHING we see could be an illusion (maya) -- a hologram, a simulation, a cosmic deepfake? Jesus figured it out 2,000 years ago. What’s even wilder is that modern physics is proving it now. Who's Gurdjieff?

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Jesus Was a Buddhist Monk

The Buddhist connection
Meditating in India is mind blowing. Try it.
Why would there be a connection between Christianity and Buddhism, which is five or more centuries older? Jesus spent time as a Buddhist monk, which helped him realize his divinity (deva, "light being," nature or potential), all of our divinities. To ever say one is "GOD" will get one unalived for ridiculed in society, but that is what the Christ, the Kristos, the Annointed One (smeared with entheogens, according to Dr. Hillman).

Whether Jesus said so or not, whether this Gnostic gospel is literally one historical figure's words, whether or not the figure into whose mouth these words are being put by the Gnostic Christians, Buddhism speaks this same way its "Higher Doctrine" (the Abhidhamma or the "Dharma/Doctrine in Ultimate Terms").
The Buddha was massively influential.
In conventional terms, "reality" (self/atta and the world/loka) is name-and-form (nama-rupa), body and mind, or composed of physical (corporeal) and mental (mind) components. But in ultimate terms, it is impersonal (anatta) materiality and mentality composed of kalapas (particles) and cittas/cetasikas (mind-moments and mental-concomitants).

This is all found alluded to in The Heart Sutra, the culmination of the Prajna Paramita or "Perfection of Wisdom" literature, reaching Sophia. The core of that text are explained very well in the Theravada school's "Five Aggregates clung to as self" teachings.

What are we? What is anything? The "self" or "essence" (figuratively, the "heart") of any thing is eightfold. But this eight is compacted into five. What are the Five Heaps or Groups of things?
  1. form (this is fourfold, the Four Great Elements or maha-dhatus);
  2. feelings
  3. perceptions
  4. mental formations
  5. consciousness(es).
  • Why are they all plural? Isn't "consciousness" a thing? They are heaps, groups, piles, collections, aggregates. There isn't one but countless of them. Consciousness (vinnana) is not a solid "thing" but a fluid process, a stream of cittas and cetasikas, a stream of consciousness.
See the division? The first four are listed as just "form" (rupa or kaya, materiality or body). The second four are spelled out a little more. But the Buddha kept it brief because No. 4 is actually 50 different things, usually translated as "impulses" or "intentions" (cetanas), the way all the members of a village might be called by the village leader's name; that leader is not the only person in the village. Moreover, No. 5 is not one thing, cittas (mind-moments), but also includes cetasikas (mental concomitants). Feelings are not of one kind, but they are just called "feelings" (vedana). Perceptions, too, are not singular but of different kinds. All of these are explained in the texts and teaching, as these are only rough English translations of a very deep psychological terms. The purpose is not academic but extremely practical. Their purpose is liberation by wisdom. One must first purify (cleanse) the mind and intensify it so that insight meditation practices (satipatthanas) can have their intended effect: liberating insight, transcendental wisdom.

Vegetarian Essenes, the Nazarenes

Jesus passed through the Buddha's Kapilavastu
Did Jesus have any capacity to explain this? To whom could he have taught it, simple fishermen back home? Whatever he learned and realized in the Himalayas, at Hemis Gompa (a Tibetan lamasery visited by Russian Christian Nicolas Notovitch, who told the world all about the documented evidence he found there thanks to the abbot who recognized that Buddhism and Christianity at a very deep level were teaching the same thing.

We can make many distinctions, but Gnosticism accords very well, and Vedic/Brahminical Hinduism is not far off, as may also be said of Jainism. Sadly, it does not seem members of these other traditions realize the deep similarities. We might about the superficial, and we fail to grasp the deep truths. It would be possible to find correspondences between all the traditions. So many of the things that make no sense in Catholicism/Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (the Abrahamic religions) certainly do make sense in Hinduism and Buddhism and Jainism (the Dharmic religions). 
  • MorgueOfficial, March 1, 2025; BBC; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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