Friday, June 19, 2009

Work as Therapy: Cubicle as Couch

The author of "Listening to Prozac" on how we work it out at work
In his role as therapist, a psy-chiatrist sometimes offers an astringent form of reassur-ance. It goes, “No, you’re not crazy; things are as bad as you imagine.” Addressing anyone entering the job market today, I would acknowledge the obvi-ous: conditions are bleak.... We rely on good jobs for our sense of well-being. Today, young people are routed into employment that has scant relationship to their aspirations. The losses of pay and opportunity are serious, but my concern goes beyond work as a source of income or even of achievement to work as it shapes our identity. Who we are in our solitary moments and in our close relationships is a product of who we are on the job. Increasingly, it’s the workplace, as much as the home, that provides lessons about how to face personal challenges. More>>