New translation straightens out some common myths about the Sanskrit original
The Kama Sutra is NOT about convoluted sexual positions. Not just, at any rate. It is also about how to decorate your home if you’re a gentleman, how to treat your man if you’re a wife, [and sexual misconduct such as] how to get a subject’s wife into your chamber if you’re a king, and how to get a client to loosen his purse strings if you’re a courtesan.
[Left out of the discussion is the futuristic practice of sex with automatons, which its ancient authors would probably have discouraged, not being in the habit of advocating robotic or mechanical sex. But goodness knows they were familiar with more advanced technology than we have yet been given, so any soul-crushing or otherwise debasing practice is possible.]
This makes the 2,000-year-old work almost New Age. There are many books, articles, and Web pages on how to lead our lives, including the most intimate aspects. More>>
- Sex Quiz gets teacher in trouble
A quiz meant to teach young students how innocent notions can become sexually charged as a person matures has landed a longtime high school teacher in hot water. "We do feel that it was over the top," said Principal Joseph Lee of the quiz given Monday by a teacher to his advanced placement psychology class.
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