The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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In a time of turmoil brought on by greed (lobha), the principal defect affecting humans, it's good to be able to laugh. It was not ignorance, anger, or Mother Nature that brought on the widening Fukushima nuclear disaster.
That was due to poor building standards (because corners have to be cut on back up diesel generators to contain costs while containing not much else like, say, radioactive debris) by corporations more interested in getting profitable albeit dangerous projects off the ground. Never mind that at best the environment is contaminated while all involved go on to cash big checks. And everyone on the receiving end pays higher bills on top of the hidden costs. One thing is sure. Nuclear power does not pay for itself. So money has to be taken out of the richest pool available -- the collective funds we pay into as taxpayers that are then squandered by politicians who work not for us but for lobbyists. The result is no surprise.
But why worry when Lady Gaga is heating up, Charlie Sheen is melting down, an old rocker is picking himself up from the wreckage, and Donald Trump is playing everyone like pawns in Ponzi scheme?
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