Saturday, July 3, 2021

Vedic Guide to Life's Purpose (video)

Sahara Rose Ketabi (author), News Anchors Betty Nguyen, Dan Mannarino, Barbara Prempeh (, NY, NY, March 4th, 2021); Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I'm going to capitalize on these looks and this bod to spread the Vedic word like a devi.

[How can I make Mc Money as a New Age guru talking about Ayurveda and other neat stuff? I know! I'll teach about self, soul, the Highest Self! And write books about it like Deepak Chopra!]

Did I colorize my blouse? lol
Discovering our dharma [social duty] and unlocking our inner-self [atman]: Now more than ever is the perfect time to dig more deeply into our hidden talents. Hot, young Ayurvedic author Sahara Rose says the answer can be found right within our “soul’s purpose.”

In her latest book, Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose, the podcaster of Highest Self gives readers nine archetypes to help them unlock their true inner being.

Discover Your Dharma
Sahara Rose Ketabi spoke to PIX11 News New York and explained what a dharma is [in Vedic Hinduism] and how it relates to the reason why we’re here [on the human plane]. Ms. Rose provides a quiz to find our archetype. More

Say yes to your higher calling. “Discover Your Dharma is a timely book for readers to decondition their minds, remember their essence, and step into the purpose they were born to express.”
From the books foreword by Deepak Chopra

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