Sunday, July 4, 2021

What is the Middle Way to enlightenment?

The Buddha envisions explaining an ancient path: a Dharma with Eight Factors
The First Sutra: Turning of the Wheel of the Doctrine (Dhammacakkha Pavatana Sutta)
“What is the Middle Way realized by the Tathagata [the Buddha] that — producing knowing and seeing, knowledge and vision — leads to calm, to direct insight, to awakening, to nirvana (complete freedom)?

It is precisely this Noble Eightfold Path:
  1. right view [on karma and what is path and not-path]
  2. right resolution [thoughts of renunciation, nonharming, noncruelty]
  3. right speech [that refrains from being talebearing, divisive, harsh, untrue speech]
  4. right action [that avoids killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct]
  5. right livelihood [that avoids earning one's keep by anything that harms]
  6. right effort [to put away the bad and cultivate the good]
  7. right mindfulness [as set out in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Sutra]
  8. right concentration [samadhi = unification of mind].
This is the Middle Way realized by the Tathagata that — producing vision, producing knowledge — leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to nirvana.”

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