Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Abortion protests rage over leaked decision

(Guardian News, May 3, 2022) Protesters gathered outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on Monday. night after a LEAKED court document (published by Politico) appeared to reveal Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that federally legalized abortion nationwide in America, is about to be overturned.

According to a draft opinion (which is not yet a final ruling so it can still be changed), the provisional vote by the Supreme Court being reported on by Politico is about to set the nation on fire.
  • Wisdom Quarterly is pro-choice AND pro-life, which is to say, prevention of pregnancy is the most important thing. It is way to go because, if one is not going to avoid sex and can somehow prevent rape, killing is avoided because there is no conception. If there is conception, which is the beginning of a life, there will death. And bringing about that death is killing. (Preventing implantation, as the morning after pill claims to do, is not killing as there is no life. It would still seem to be prevention, if used immediately. Once there is implantation, taking it then would be killing. There has to be a life for there to be a killing. It does not need to be an independent life, as sophists try to argue. As Buddhists, we oppose killing or in any way bringing about the death of a life. Conception means a life has begun, the process has been set in motion, the gandhabba (or personality continuum is present), and to end its life is unskillful karma. Demerit (bad karma) will accrue. We do not dream of telling a female what to do with her body, and if males want to kill, that's their business, too. We must be consistent. Males killing or ending a conceived life is universally understood to be wrong, immoral, unskillful, productive of harm, akusala karma. Why anyone imagines that the same being done by a female to a conception, a fetus, or unfully formed baby is beyond us. Females alone do not make baby humans by parthenogenesis. Pairs make humans. Don't have babies, don't raise babies, don't get pregnant. If you do get pregnant, it is going to be hard to avoid making bad karma harmful to self and others. If you do get pregnant and want not to be, that's your business. We're not in your bedroom, hospital room, or body. If you want to imagine there is no bad karma, we must suggest to you to look into it more carefully. What we choose and then do is our karma (our action, our deed, our expressed intention or motivation), and it has consequences for us now and in the future for a long, long time. We are on the left even if people on the right agree with us. In this regard, "euthanasia" is also killing bringing bad results when the deed comes to fruition. We fool ourselves to say we did it with a good motive. We did it with delusion (moha), not understanding, and result of that is suffering. The reason for this is that when the act is done, right at the decisive moment, what is present is aversion (dosa). We yearn (lobha) to be relieved of our distress and say we are only doing the act of killing to relieve a person or pet of his or her suffering. This is not true

In what appeared to be a stunning and unprecedented leak, Politico said on Monday evening that it had obtained an initial majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and circulated in the court on Feb. 10, 2022. The opinion strikes down Roe v. Wade, the court’s 1973 ruling that enshrined the constitutional "right" to abort or kill a fetus, and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely upheld that legal right. Now the rightwing Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the pro-abortion law, as the leaked draft opinion reportedly shows.

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