Tuesday, May 3, 2022

New "super meth" killing Americans (video)

SUPER METH: Tracking origins of super-powered methamphetamine as overdoses rise in Pennsylvania
(6abc Philadelphia, 4/5/22) "Chasing the dragon" is the term addicts use to describe seeking the next high or peak experience. Authorities are seeing more and more of that with methamphetamine. They fear this powerful and dangerous toxic chemical concoction could lead to a new wave of addiction and a public health hazard. In a country that is still recovering from a pharmaceutical opioid crisis, law enforcers are starting to see the emergence of super-powered versions of meth. They believe 95% of it is produced in "super labs" in Mexico. Dealers find the psycho-stimulant more profitable and easier to distribute. Users are getting a quicker, more robust high. And that potency is killing people. "What we're seeing is very pure crystal meth that is coming from south of the border. It is very inexpensive, it is very pure, and it is very deadly," said Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele. More

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