Monday, September 5, 2022

Irish Zen: "For No One" (The Beatles)

Paul McCartney (The Beatles); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, our Kelly Ani, Wisdom Quarterly
What is Zen but riddles and paradoxical koans or puzzling historical "cases"?
Attachment sucks. Let go. Go Zen.
: Your day breaks, your mind aches/ You find that all her words of kindness linger on/ When she no longer needs you/ She wakes up, she makes up/ She takes her time and doesn't feel she has to hurry/ She no longer needs you/ And in her eyes, you see nothing/ No sign of love behind the tears/ Cried for no one/ A love that should have lasted years/ You want her, you need her/ And yet you don't believe her when she says her love is dead/ You think she needs you

Then I woke up (M O'Halloran)
And in her eyes you see nothing/ No sign of love behind the tears/ Cried for no one/ A love that should have lasted years/ You stay home, she goes out/ She says that long ago she knew someone/ But now he's gone, she doesn't need him/ Your day breaks, your mind aches/ There will be times when all the things she said will fill your head/ You won't forget her/ And in her eyes you see nothing/ No sign of love behind the tears/ Cried for no one/ A love that should have lasted years.

Only riddles and koans. No answers anywhere! (When Zen sucks: When not practiced)
Purify your heart, mind will follow.
It's odd to miss someone, even if she's in a better place now, satori, out of this samsara, this endless round of rebirth and suffering. Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was an Irish-American lass, Maura "Soshin" O'Hollaran. Born in Boston, raised in Ireland, she became a formal Zen Buddhist nun -- and stuck it out. She succeeded, if by "success" one means kensho and satori, which is to say, she woke up, became a Western "saint." We're only sleeping.
Lennon, jealous of McCartney, finally learned to write popular songs :)

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