Friday, October 13, 2023

Israel created and funds Hamas (RAVE video)

Host Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger, The Jimmy Dore Show (, 10/12/23; I. Rony, Sheldon S., Pfc. SandovalAshley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly IRONIC COMMENTARY
Let's co-dictate, Bibi. I'm sorry for taking your seat. The CIA favors you. Everyone knows it.
Someway, somehow, this has to be Trump's fault
YES, Israel under Prime Minister (CIA-groomed candidate and reinstalled military-style dictator, controller of the courts) Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu actually created and funded Hamas.

Hamas (an acronym for the independent and more moderate and easy-to-control group of sovereigns) is the political party, now Israel's greatest enemy ever. Except for Iran. Iran must be bombed! Any country or group the US does not like MUST be bombed in the name of "Israel." Not since Europeans loathed Jews (the Chosen People favored above all by the one and only true God) for no reason at all have Muslims, their fellow People of the Book, turned against them.

Let's have a rave next to Gaza prison (WSJ)

Collateral damage is a terrible thing for victims.
[After 16 years of staying in the open-air prison (reservation, refugee center, concentration camp) we made for them, we thought they would stay put. After all, every kibbutz had a large Israeli military presence enforcing the occupying and stealing of the land. Our leader Bibi moved many of those Israeli militants to the West Bank, the other reservation holding Palestinians against their will. (They prefer to exercise their "right of return" in conformity with international laws and standards).

Parading Westerner German Jew taken hostage
But as this is a slow genocide and the desire is that Palestinians in particular and Arabs in general abandon their homeland and go elsewhere, anywhere else, preferably the sea or the afterlife, offensive forces of the IDF were needed to promote right-wang plans for the West Bank, as ordered by PM Netanyahu. The God gave a land called "Israel" to "Israelis," so if this land is named that and they want to occupy or steal it, God is happy. Was it actually this land, or some similar land in Jordan (or was it that Oblast in Russia no one talks much about where all Jews were free to go and create a utopia?) Why nitpick?

Shani Louk was taken hostage. If IDF bombs...
This is the land the British decreed, so let us pay obeisance to the monarch and royal family and stay right here, even though one day the miserably treated prisoners of Gaza may break out and do harm, like attempting to take hostages to end the war crime blockade the Israeli military has illegally enforced for so many years. What a pity that cool, Buddha-loving ravers and hipsters had to bear the brunt of an assault wave so close to the Gaza border. Two wrongs don't make a right, and neither will three as the IDF exacts "revenge" in retaliation, supported by U.S. funding.] 

How brigades shocked everyone by escaping prison and taking prisoners [How Hamas turned an Israeli music festival into a massacre | WSJ]
(The Wall Street Journal) Oct. 10, 2023: Over 250 people were allegedly shot at the Tribe of Nova Festival in occupied Re’im, Israel, on Saturday – one of the deadliest sites of Hamas’s surprise attack outside of their prison. The festival took place just three miles from the Gaza Strip. A few attendees were taken hostage and taken back to Gaza. WSJ breaks down how the surprise attack unfolded to prosperous young Jews by hardened young Muslims. #Israel #Hamas #WSJ
  • 0:00 Tribe of Nova Festival
  • 0:31 Lead up to the attack
  • 1:20 Beginning of the attack
  • 3:29 Hiding on Festival grounds
  • 4:55 Hostages taken
Jewish and fired for telling the truth about Israel?
And this group while being tortured and squeezed has dared to breach the massively fortified wall equipped with towers to shoot down from (euphemistically termed a "security fence") to strike back, like a baby slapping his own father. Well, that child must be dealt with. Hit him with an American-made missile. That'll learn him. He'll think twice before ever stepping out of line again. It's time to "mow the lawn" but this time down to the nub and salt the earth.

The world is agreed that it's okay. Another Holocaust, why not? What could go wrong? When the US invaded neighbor Iraq, it was "shock and awe" (expending as many old, unused munitions before they expired so we could order new and better munitions, tactical nukes, laser guided missiles, precision strike weapons, super radioactive "depleted" uranium penetrating bombs... USA! USA! USA!

Democrats never support war. This just in...
We are Number 1 in military arms and imperial hegemonic control, and Fearless Leader Netanyahu is our puppet friend and obedient comrade with a mind of his own sometimes (like that whole corruption scandal he's embroiled in by the Israeli court system he's currently trying to dismantle). Oh, the irony.

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