Friday, January 12, 2024

Constantine did not convert Rome to Christian

Discovery rewrites history of Christianity
Chris Gorrie ( via, 1/12/24); Seth Auberon, Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Remarkable discovery rewrites the history of Christianity in the Roman Empire

"Jesus Christ" was a Roman invention (Atwill)
Archaeologists working in the ancient town of Spello, Italy, uncovered a remarkable discovery during their recent excavation efforts. What they unearthed was an ancient pagan temple dating to the Roman period.
  • [Was it dedicated not to Jesus Christ but to the worship of Mithra (the pre-Christian "Messiah" or Buddhist "Maitreya" figure from the Sanskrit root maitri = Avestan, Zoroastrian, Old Persian, Aryan, Iranian Mitra, the star of Mithrianity), who preceded Jesus as the superstar of the Vatican grounds in the Holy See at the heart of the Holy Roman Empire, which left many such underground worship sites all over England? No, it was something else: the blending of paganism and Christianity, not replacement but fusion and syncretism.]
They believe that the building was constructed during the reign of Emperor Constantine, Rome’s ruler from 306 to 337 C.E.

Who was Constantine?
I'm a white European (Italian), so I want a white savior. Turn that Black Nazarene Jew white.
Forged (Prof. of Religion Bart D. Ehrman)
Constantine I, or Constantine the Great, was a Roman emperor who ruled in the first third of the 4th century C.E.

He is remembered for his leadership during a major time of transition in the Roman Empire, as well as for moving the capital of the empire to Byzantium, later rechristened "Constantinople" in his honor.

But he is perhaps best known as the first Roman emperor to convert to [and force others by the sword to convert to] Christianity.

The Roman pagans
Out image of Christ as a white man with beard, long hair is Greco-Roman Serapis Christus
Although Black, we need Jesus to be white!
The Roman Empire was a thoroughly pagan institution from its inception. The Romans worshipped many gods and supernatural beings who were generally linked to the natural world in some way.

Christianity, though now a major world religion, was a peculiar phenomenon for the Romans, and the early Christians were heavily persecuted.

When Emperor Constantine converted, however, the Roman Empire gradually adopted more and more elements of Christianity [renaming its pagan celebrations and holy days. At least, that’s how the popular story goes.

Emperor Constantine did NOT make Christianity the official religion of Rome
There’s a popular narrative that neatly condenses history by saying that Constantine changed the official religion of Rome to Christianity.

However, the new archeological findings at Spello attest to the fact that this is an inaccurate version of reality.

Researchers stated in a press release that the uncovered temple “shows the continuities between the classical pagan world and early Christian Roman world that often get blurred out or written out of the sweeping historical narratives.”

The inspiration for the archeological dig
Scholarly teachers can't beat blind "faith"!
The decision to begin an excavation at the site in Spello was sparked by an ancient inscription that hangs in the town hall.

The inscription was originally recovered in the 1700s. It states, in language directed to the townspeople of its time, that the creation of the temple constituted a massive undertaking.

What intrigued researchers was that it also grants the town inhabitants the ability to celebrate a religious festival in Spello instead of making a long journey elsewhere.

The condition for festival celebration in Spello
Caesar's Messiah (Joe Atwill)
The inscription, however, contains a condition for townsfolk who wished to celebrate the religious festival within Spello.

Emperor Constantine stipulated that the citizens must build a temple dedicated to his ancestral worship. Specifically, the temple would serve as a place for worship of the Flavian family [the very family/dynasty of Caesar, as Joseph Atwill revealed to the world in Caesar's Messiah, a psyops plot to INVENT JESUS and trick an induce everyone in the Roman Empire to convert to this new state-friendly faith], Constantine’s own predecessors. More

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