Saturday, September 7, 2024

Remote viewing, CIA offs JFK (Coast to Coast)

We didn't get him in Tampa. Let's do Dallas.
Investigative journalist Jerome Corsi ( joins weekend host Rich Berra on Coast to Coast (, 9/7/24) to discuss DJ Trump's claim that as president he will release the remaining files on the JFK assassination if reelected.

[Trump didn't, and likely couldn't. release anything when he was previously in office, but voters are supposed to believe he'll be willing and able to release them next time if given another chance?]

Remote viewing

Remote viewing is not psychic mysticism
The world's foremost remote viewing teacher is U.S. Army Major Edward A. Dames (formerly a covert agent involved in many top secret jobs and programs for the government), discusses

the strange history of remote viewing,
  • the current cases his agency (Matrix Intelligence Agency) is working on (view related images),
  • giving updates about global changes happening right now and how to be prepared for the coming global reset.
Major Dames also provides an update about his ongoing stories, including the solar kill-shot, martial law, and economic collapse. AUDIO:

TODAY: Art Bell: Somewhere in Time (which plays from 6:00-10:00 pm PT) returns to 9/10/01, when Bell discussed the weird and mysterious Chilbolton Crop Glyphs, which show a crop formation of a face and code that may have answered questions that SETI sent out into the cosmos. It's a crop formation that is still unexplained. Experts contend that it was not even made from the ground.

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