Sunday, November 24, 2024

Martian men, Venusian women: J. Gray

My father knows best.
GET THE EASE IN RELATIONSHIPS WE'VE ALL BEEN WANTING FOR YEARS. Here are science-backed teachings and resources for men and women who want to date, marry, and stay married to the absolute love of their life.

AT A TIME WHEN RELATIONSHIPS ARE MORE COMPLICATED AND NUANCED THAN EVER... The Grays equip participants with the modern romance playbooks and curricula that strengthen current relationships or empower the ability to start incredible new ones.

"In love, little things make a big difference."
We’re Mars Venus, the father and daughter duo who’ve devoted our lives to teaching healthy love that lasts.

Learn more about Therapist John Gray and his daughter/business partner Lauren Gray. It all started with John Gray’s inspirational book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

Super-stimulate hormones with Dr. Gray
(CBS) April 12, 2011: Erica Hill talks to Dr. John Gray, PhD, relationship expert and author of Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice about how hormones affect our relationships.

I'm the future of my dad's amazing work.
Since the debut of the best-selling relationship book of all time, we’ve teamed up to develop more transformational lessons that take the guesswork out of making love work.

Based on research-backed scientific studies on human hormones and brain chemistry in men and women, we’re here to guide participants towards the sort of love they’ve only dreamed about.
I'm not gay, just effeminate since I was young, but now I'm a testosterone horndog, believe me.

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