Sunday, December 15, 2024

Social construction of a "white" race

In the US, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) is a sociological term often used to describe pale Protestant Americans of British (more broadly of north-western European) descent, who are generally part of the white dominant culture or upper-class, often Protestant elites. (Botticelli)

The hidden origins of the white race: What history books don't tell us
(Race and Roots) Discover the untold story behind the origins of "race" and "whiteness" — which group is in, which out.

We're an exclusive club and as such, stay out.
For instance, Irish? Out. The whitest people, they're not "white" like us (the in-group, composed of WASPy Brits and Northern Europeans). Albinos? Out. They cheated and don't have the hair for it. Ashkenazi Jews? Out. They're Jews. Italians? Are you kidding, those ethnics? Out. Slaves? Out. High-Casta Latins? Some, what's your Daddy's job? Eastern Europeans? The attractive ones maybe. Non-Protestants? Out.
  • Q: Dear Sirs, how are light-skinned undesirables supposed to get into The Club and onto the gravy train of privilege and preferential selection? A: All new members must be cleared by the Fuhrer's Working Group on Scientific Racism and/or have a valid affidavit signed by Mr. Goebbels. No exceptions. And no Pinkos.

Explore thousands of years of mental categorization, bias, migration, adaptation, and cultural evolution. Learn how ancient migration patterns, environmental changes, and societal shifts shaped what we think we know today and the narrative our biased minds conjure up, disseminate, and believe. What kinds of narratives become popular? Those that serve the power structure. Truth takes a backseat to utility. If those in power can use a piece of highlighted evidence while obscuring other, they will. They have been doing such things for a long time, consciously and unconsciously. When it's unconscious, it's implicit. It has the same harmful effects but is harder to recognize and root out.

This video dives deeply into the genetic and historical complexities that textbooks often overlook. Join this documentary-style journey through time to understand the real story behind our modern racial concept and society's construction (fabrication, synthesis, manufacturing) of "whiteness." #archaeology #humanevolution #ancienthumans
  • WARNING: Use of outdated terms now considered slurs discussed in a historical context using terms regardless of how offensive they may sound to contemporary sensibilities!
Catch more by subscribing for hidden histories and fascinating insights.
  • Race and Roots (video), Nov. 24, 2024; Kat Blaque (video); NYTN (video); I. Rony, Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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